Welcome to the new forums.

The forums are completely unusable on chrome (beta, don’t know about the stable release) for Android. There’s no way to scroll through the site, you only get to ser what fits on your screen and nothing else.

Isn’t that why Tapatalk is a thing?

Is this on mobile or tablet? Please provide more details so I can look into this ASAP.

Mobile. I just checked, and it’s only on the beta version. Stable works fine.

Very sexy! Much props to our fabulous web admin!

  • Text being more-white / less-gray wouldn’t hurt. I recommend #A0A0A0, used here as an example.
  • The green ONLINE tag is really obnoxious on certain avatars!! (though I think an edit to my avatar is already in order)
  • I can’t seem to find the option to set up a signature, despite prophesying the return of signatures last night.
  • Not bad otherwise.

jk iz gud :slight_smile:

Can you still subscribe to threads? I can’t figure out how.

I know there’s an option in your settings that lets you auto-subscribe when you post in one. Can’t seem to find a dedicated subscribe button. Designer halp.

Where abouts is the option to mark all threads as read?
I cannot for the life of me find where it is, and google doesn’t seem to help.
I may just be tired and overworked though.


I just made an account, I’m not sure what the forums looked like before but so far everything is awesome.
Oh and +1 for having gravatar support.

I’m loving the new layout. Shiny. Though I do think the text could stand to be a brighter shade, like Tiki suggested. White, perhaps? Or just a lighter grey is fine.

Slightly lighter grey would be nice, but definitely not white.

I don’t know how many people get the same issue as me, but white/bright text on a dark background really annoys my eyes and makes it hard to focus.

Yeah okay that’s fair enough

Also what are points and why?

Moderation points. They’re for when you’ve been naughty.

For some reason, I am able to see deleted threads.

looks alot better than the orginal


Ooo, looks nice. Great job!

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.