Weapon Textures Not Appearing

I started a walkthrough of this mod on Youtube, made it to the part where you get your first gun, the crowbar, and grenade. But none of the textures are loading, it’s the only issue I have encountered and it’s pretty much gameplay crippling.

I have attempted the Windows Update fix seen here https://forums.blackmesasource.com/showthread.php?t=14947 and reinstalled the game plus Source SDK twice and it has not made a difference.

Please fast forward to 3:40 and on to see what I am talking about. This is the episode where I encounter the issue.

what graphics card do you have and what is the driver version

Nvidia GTS 450, the latest version which is 306.97 WHQL

Its a problem with the graphic drivers for nvidia cards, rolling back to older drivers got rid of that problem for me. Anything in the 296.xx range and lower got rid of that and fixed it . Seems like all the geforce drivers have this problem not sure why could be nvidia messed something up in the newer ones.

How will rolling back affect my other games, I mean isn’t it a bad thing to play with outdated drivers?

no it inst bad rolling back i have did this and did not effect any off my games

Try checking the Advanced Video options and see if Shadows are set to Low. If they are, set them to High. That’s fixed it for me.

I downgraded to 291.10 and it didn’t help, still no change.

Tried it, didn’t work :frowning:

Anyone else have an idea on what to do? Please I need help!

this could be a few things - try to reload your last savegame or reload the .
if this does not fix your invisible weapon problem please try to follow the windows update problem fix again.

make sure that you first remove the windows update,
the download the black mesa client again afterwards,
and delete the old black mesa installation (save your savegames)
the reinstall black mesa again.

Reload the what?

I did this and the tutorial you are referring to, again (third time), and it didn’t help at all. Nothing has changed and it’s starting to frustrate me lol.

are you not going to reply?

I have same issue, same solutions attempted, no dice.

I’m still in the first levels of the game, working through without player character weapon models, but I foresee it becoming a game-breaking issue as I progress much further…

Running GTX 260 on Win Vistax64. Game runs flawlessly otherwise (as far as I can tell).

And yet no one is helping us, sad face. There has to be a simple solution to this.

Come on people we need help here!

No help here?

Have you tried re downloading rather than just reinstalling the mod? sounds as if some files are missing.

I have re-downloaded at least 4 times, from torrenting to official website downloads, I have tried it all.

it may be that windows update

Would it be possible for you take a screenshot for me?

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.