Valve releases 'Source 2 like' Updated Modding Tools for Dota 2 (Hammer 2014 and more

Edit 2: I got the information from FP.
Edit 3: And this one too from the same website.

How do you know they’re “Source 2 like” if we know nothing about Source 2? It is interesting that they require a 64 bit system and even more interesting that they require DX11 when Dota 2 I think is only DX9. And I wouldn’t think Valve would release anything in the future that used DirectX. I was thinking Source 2 would be entirely OpenGL.

Probably the change a new look they done to Hammer tool from the previously hammer we’re using for half llife 2 mods, that’s my theory.

Your GIF, on its own, blew my mind… after a glass or 3ree (… 4our’s being poured), I fell out of my chair(s). Please give me moar (white 2.0) !
How will you and the BMS Team be taking advantage of this new tech? Being previously GreenLit, do you already have this tech in-hand?

They’re obviously working with whatever new engine Valve has planned. I hope at the very least something about Source 2 is mentioned at Gamescom this year.

I imagine they were only able to transition to mostly non-brush meshes because DOTA 2 is a top-down game, which would mean the usual BSP/CSG/visleaf process is likely not all that important.

If anyone else knows more about this, do fill me in. :slight_smile:

Some moderator on FP made a test video for new Hammer sdk tool.

For credibility and overdue pacification reasons, Valve REALLY needs to step up to the plate and drop detailed info on Source 2 and its state/progression. Many other main game engines have far surpassed Source 1 in the past few years, so Valve needs to divulge details concerning Source 2 and say/show “Hey, take a look at us and what we’ve been able to accomplish with Source 2 and see how we’ve improved and closed the gap/remained competitive with other comparable game engines”. The “WOW and OMG” factor when the Source 1 engine was introduced many years ago is loooong gone. It boils down to “what has Valve done lately”… actually (engine wise), nothing really.

Gaben, you need to temporarily delay/interrupt Valve’s current philosophy of “employees can work on whatever they want” policy (hello… it ain’t workin’ regarding HL3) and have some key management figures focus teams on making strides and drastically improving upon and maintaining consistent ongoing positive development (Source 2 engine) towards completing HL3. Concerning the release of HL3, there’s no denying that the length of time since the release of HL2-Ep2 is a total and complete embarrassment. Get your new Source 2 engine finished and after extolling/showcasing its new and exciting capabilities over Source 1, get your main crew to focus on completing HL3 ASAP… you owe it to your many, many, many LONGTIME supporters.

You know, this Source 2 thing might have some merit to it. There’s a lot of throwing this around over at Facepunch with things that are different and stuff.

Someone apparently decompiled one of the DLLs ( and there are 72 mentions of Source 2 in the file. Also 300 mentions of Physx, while Source 1 has always used Havok.

maybe they just put that in there because they knew some crazy bastard would poor over every small detail to look for the combination of “source” and “2” or “half-life” and “3”

Probably not. Source 2 is no secret, and we have had several (albeit, small) insights into its development. The most recent being the leaked Source 2 version of that L4D2 plantation level.

Some of the presentation info actually fits well with the capabilities for streamlined content authoring found in the new editor. It even uses meshes in favor of brushes. That alone is a huge change.

Doubtful, this is the first time I’ve seen any of it.

So they’ve got new toys to play with, hopefully that means no more 9 years development cycle.

The tools seem pretty cool. Warcraft 3 had one hell of a modding scene, maybe Dota 2 can have something like that, possibly even bigger.

I’m currently installing DOTA2 so I can get its tools running.
I’m curious as to how the new editor will work, but cautiously so.
I realize it’s a build of Hammer designed for a top-down game as opposed to a fully 3D one, but the lack for a 4-viewport system and the previous minimalist UI design (in terms of space taken up) do kind of throw me off a bit - it’s starting to look like the GECK, which has a cluttered UI and not very much space for using everything efficiently.

Also, new map file format - I hope it’s still easily human-readable so third-party tool developers can support it.
EDIT: And material format, apparently. Looks like we’ll have to stop using VTFedit in the future. :frowning:

am i doing this rite

OT: It’s certainly an easy tool to use.

Well that’s good, since the VDC is currently down and all the documentation is inaccessible as a result. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess a lot of people were eager to make DOTA2 maps.

Nah, the sensationalism got everyone eager to see Source 2 Hammer.

What I was able to see on the VDCW made me want to try it out, though. Some of those new tools look insanely useful.

My body is ready.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.