Valve confirms VR experimentation with Half-Life, others

In an interview with Kotaku, Jeep Barnett of Valve says they have toyed with Half-Life in VR.

From the article:

“But is a Half-Life VR game a possibility? Is it something Valve is working toward releasing eventually? Right now, Barnett said, things are still things are still up in the air. The headcrab might be out of the bag, but there’s still time for it to scuttle back in.
‘We’re not saying, ‘no,’’ he said, ‘but we don’t know what the right thing is [yet]. Our most precious resource is time, and we don’t have enough time for people to do everything. Would we like to make all of our franchises in VR? Absolutely. But we don’t have enough time or people. So we have to figure out what’s the best fit, what plays to the strengths of VR.’”

He also listed other experiments, such as ones with Left 4 Dead, DotA 2, a third-person cover-based shooter, and an “escape-the-room style” game.


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.