Exactly. And to be honest, I appreciate the size-- I don’t have a hard drive attached to my system yet (can’t buy one because the flood in Thailand made the prices jump 2x-3x), yet I’ve managed to install all the programs and games I play with ~ 30 gigs to spare. Sure, I won’t be torrenting too much now, but I’m not complaining.
And I still find it incredibly entertaining to open folders on the hard disk instantaneously. No spinning up-- it’s just there. Puts a smile on my face every time.
P.S. I was pleasantly surprised to see Crysis 1 run totally smoothly maxed out at 1920x1200 (with no AA, which IMO is unnecessary at that resolution) with a single GTX 560 ti. I’m sure the processor plays a major part in that as my old alienware’s i7 860 and ati 5870 didn’t play it nearly as well at 1080p.