Nobody’s around in the Dutch subforum, so I guess not, as for now.
See These:
Hey, I hadn’t noticed that Russian link. Wonder if it’s legit? It links to an .exe. Doesn’t sound too reliable, but then again, it has a lot of downloads…
Hello there.
First, thanks to the Black Mesa team for a great mod (if not the best right now) and thanks to translators too for the hard work.
Well. Since the spanish subs aren’t like the spanish from Spain, when I finished the mod I started to work on a retranslation, using the actual translation and comparing with original english text lines. At first moment it was a project for replacing only a few words to make it more comfortable for us, but in the end did a lot more work. Features right here:
- Changed lots of words to make them more “castilian” like.
- Main structure changed in some lines to give more deep.
- Retranslated some phrases.
- Fixed some typos.
- Changed some achievement titles to make them more reliable to original ones.
- Replaced chapter titles with the original translation (HL1).
- Fixed the acute accent problem with titles.
So here is the “Spanish from Spain” (or Castilian Spanish, European Spanish… whatever you want to call it) translation. You can download it right here (how-to-install instructions inside).
Feedback is appreciated.
Does anyone know how to compile the text file into a .dat file?
I’ve been trying to do so, but I keep failing.
nvm, i didnt saw that there were ppl already working at it
but what prevents you from helping them ?
I always find it amusing when there are so much volunteers and when they spot someone already working on it they are like “hey, I tried, but others make it already, so I don’t have to do my part” That’s not correct. This translation - even if BM hasn’t the amount of text that say… RPGS may have (imagine translating these :fffuuu - it is a hellofawork, so why don’t do the others a favor and spare them a little work by participating ? The more people, the better: Translating and reading over for corrections is a lot easier and not so time consuming.
This is not meant as an insult to you, more a general thought that i want to share as well with the others.
Although more people get the job done faster, I’d have to say that 5 peeps on the team is the limit for successful working processes. Above that you get way too many different opinions and disagreements. Also if you adopt a “everybody has to vote for a change” policy to make translation quality better, it becomes just so much more complicated.
I want to help with the Dutch translations. In the past I already translated Driver Cleaner.NET in Dutch, developer was Dutch but he made the program in English, so I was asked to translate the complete program in Dutch
There’s been a few volunteers but none of them have published anything in the subforum for their language. Feel free to go and get started
Sorry my english es bad, BUT… tu comentario me parece un poco discriminatorio, entendí los subtítulos perfectamente, sin localismos, sin palabras rebuscadas de una zona en especifica, vamos, aquí esta mi argumento: tu representas una minoría del idioma español con 47 millones de Español - Castellano de península ibérica (sacando a los otros 3 idiomas que tienes en tú país como el catalán quedarían mucho menos) en contra parte: México = 112 millones + Argentina = 40 millones y Colombia = 60 millones, (yo soy Venezolano y entiendo perfectamente y estos 3 ejemplos de países anteriores no se quejan de los subtítulos) lo que tu propones es que motivado a que vives en Europa ¿deben hacerse unos subtítulos para uds. solos?, por DIOS!!! entonces los Argentinos ¿también deberían hacerse subtítulos con el castellano rioplatense y el voseo?. Sabemos que tu entiendes nuestro lenguaje escrito y entendiste los subtítulos, no tiene sentido lo que propones, por favor te pido no hagas mas grande el atlántico entre nosotros. :’(
How is it disciminatory? I’m asking for multiple subtitles, not for the Spanish from Spain to substitute the neutral Spanish subtitles… Don’t be so dramatic.
And you’re obviously not from here, yes. A correction: People from Cataluña and Euskadi (Basque Country) and Galicia, etc, all speak Spanish too. I’ve never, in all my life, met someone from Spain who doesn’t speak Spanish, even if Basque is their primary language.
¿Cómo que descrimina? Pido subtítulos varios, no que los subítulos de España sustituyan al español neutro. No seas tan dramático.
Y sí, obviamente no eres de por aquí. Una corrección: los catalanes, vascos, gallegos y demás hablan todos español. Nunca me he encontrado, en toda mi vida, a alguien español que no hable español, aunque el vasco (de donde soy) sea su primera lengua.
Más arriba el usuario “AbueloNemesis” ya puso los subtítulos del castellano peninsular, pero te digo algo, yo no tengo ningún problema con ver o escuchar traducciones del español europeo siempre y cuando no se use localismos rebuscados (cosa que no tiene esta traducción actual) y si es cierto, muchos en Cataluña hablan español pero no porque quieren, sino porque son obligados por ley, culturalmente, etc. conozco a muchos catalanes que no desean enseñar español a sus hijos, pero esa aclaratoria my friend no me lo digas a mi, yo soy americano, trata de convencer a los catalanes que últimamente tienen ideas separatistas e independentistas gracias a la crisis del euro que supuestamente arrastra al Barcelonés (Nota: ideas que no apruebo). Pero tranquilo, no se ha presentado hasta ahora un catalán para tener su blackmesa en su idioma, eso quiere decir que se conforman con los subtítulos en español neutral que están actualmente.
Ahh y disculpa no escribir en Ingles, soy traductor del ingles al español pero trato de no hacerlo al contrario por principios, también disculpame el dramatismo Saludos desde el caribe!.
As it happens, there is someone who volunteered to do subtitles in Catalan, but I haven’t heard from them…
I’m glad to hear you consider the current subtitles good enough. They are indeed meant to be as neutral as possible, since we all know Spanish has many variants, to avoid any confusion. Let’s not start a fight here
The subtitles are still flawed, variants aside. And a neutral Spanish does not help anyone; it doesn’t sound realistic at all. When a security guard speaks colloquially, with american regionalisms, and it is translated as if he was a high academic of language, it does look terrible. Avoiding regionalism is a cheap form of translation, not a high ground.
And this is coming from an actual translator, I’m not pulling anything off my ass. The people who taught me would glare at me if I dared to suggest that a neutral Spanish is a good idea. This is not a documentary or a scientific paper. In this game, people speak like ordinary people, especially the security guards. This is not reflected in the subtitles, at all, and can’t be reflected unless many different Spanish versions are created.
Okay then. Thanks for your input!
Well, this translations are DIY, you know.
It’s more a question of what philosophy you have for translation.
If you sacrifice some details in how they speak, you can reach more people using it. The only time I’ve seen a good regional translation was for Final Fantasy IX. They used ALL regions, XP
For the common people is fine. You almost don’t lose anything.
But the thing is, there’s no limit for different translations. There are many willing volunteers and subtitle files are tiny. There’s no reason for any limitation.
Hey guys. It would seem like you’ve got some translations going on.
So, being a fluent english speaker, where do I contact whoever’s got the Czech translation under command?
I really got a feeling I could lend a hand there.