I’ve noticed recently that when I download a torrent, it almost never seeds. The downloading is perfectly fine, it commonly maxes my download speed. But for some reason the upload speed stays at zero all the time. I would prefer to fix this as private trackers will ban you if you can’t keep a decent ratio. I set up some ports in my router forwarded and put them into my client. The icon that shows my connection status doesn’t indicate a problem but still, no uploading for some reason. Anyone know how to fix this?
Edit: And I’ve noticed the same thing with multiple clients so it’s not specific to the one I use most.
Edit 2: Hold on hold on. What I’m downloading right now is uploading, albeit at 4 kbps. Still better than nothing. Still getting nothing from the stuff that counts though, as right now I’m using a public tracker. Maybe it’s because nobody’s downloading what I’ve downloaded from there?