
Looks phenomenal and surprisingly fun, it runs on Source :expressionless:
Also interestingly, one of the devs also worked on Black Mesa? https://www.linkedin.com/title/game-designer/at-respawn-entertainment unless I misunderstand it.

If that can be pulled of with Source I as hell can’t wait to see Source 2.

I couldn’t believe it was source, it bears so little resemblance to so many other source games.

It’s upgraded obviously, but still it’s surprising. This is what Valve games could look like had they not gotten lost in time and have gone asleep.

I’m really surprised by how good this game looks. Not visually – looks good for Source but fairly average beyond that. But the gameplay looks fantastic.

Probably not.
From my perspective, I think Respawn Entertainment got better developers than Valve.
Or Valve is just indeed a lazy fucker.

Yeah I didn’t really think the game looked amazing graphically or anything like that, I just meant it really looks nothing like source almost.

In fact, it kind of reminds me of the way CoD’s current engine looks

They could improve the character models a little bit more, but the rest looks awesome.

I thought the character models were the best part. Unless you mean the faces.

I’m ultra curious about the Titan’s animation system. Source is kinda shit for foot placement and stuff like that, and it shows even worse with big bipeds (sorry gargantua) but the titans look pretty flawless.

Looks amazing. Too bad it looks like a Microsoft exclusive, so no PS4 or OSX support :frowning:

A PS4 version is not out of the cards yet.

Machines are easier to animate than humans, I guess.

that has nothing to do with it :s

besides, some of the titan animations look like they were mocapped.

Looks like Respawn took all the good Infinity Ward employees.

Shit’s beastly.

Wait the game ran on Source? Holy shit.

My Black Mesa pre-order cancelled, shame on you devs!!!

60 FPS gameplay


In an interview they stated the decision to choose Source was because so they could get it run 60fps on consoles.


Not quite right. The next gen consoles finally have the hardware for 60 FPS. The current consoles dont have the hardware for it. They said they needed an engine where they are familiar to work with. And Source is also made from Goldsource which was an improvement from the Quake engine, just like the engine from Call of Duty. Both engines use code from the old Quake engine.

The problem with Youtube is that every video runs in 30 FPS, so I posted the link that people can see how it actually is.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.