I thought we could use a thread where we catalog the different gaming id’s from the forum members.
PM me or post here your XBL/PSN/Wii and/or Steam name and I will add it to the big list.
Edit: if this goes off well, it would be nice to have this stickied.
[color=Lime]Xbox Live Gamertags[/SIZE]
- Maxey - maxey1 (GFWL)[/SIZE]
- Imonfire - Iminfire (GFWL)[/SIZE]
- Ramirezoid - Ramirezoid[/SIZE]
- mrfohlin - Sahanna
- Debdibib - Debdibib
- SpooBoy - Yoboops
- Winged One - WingedBeing
- Mango Assassin - Mango Assassin
- Savant - Savant231a
- Maverix26 - Maverix26
- Brother Shrike - Brother Shrike
- GFreeman415 - GFreeman415
- ATDoop - ATDoop
- SoaringScout - DillySlyFox
- RandomSpoon - Rand0mSpoon18
[color=Blue]PlayStation Network ID[/SIZE]
- Maxey - maxeypt[/SIZE][/SIZE]
- mrfohlin - mrfohlin
- Debdibib - Debdibib
- Dust - Ironfruit
- SpooBoy - SpooBoy
- felipedomaul - zombie hobo
- Victus - DG_Victus
- Daedalus193 - Daedalus93
[color=Magenta]Wii Codes[/SIZE]
[color=Orange]Steam Name[/SIZE]
- Maxey - Maxey
- Imonfire - Imonfire
- Ramirezoid - Ramirezoid[/SIZE]
- mrfohlin - mrfohlin
- Debdibib - Debdibib
- Dust - Ironfruit
- SpooBoy - SpooBoy
- Winged One - PIRINJA
- Mango Assassin - Arbiter6445
- Savant - [TW] Savant
- Rossman - Rossman
- felipedomaul - felipedomaul
- Maverix26 - Maverix26
- Brother Shrike - [cakepsi] shrike
- ATDoop - ATDoop
- Victus - AceInsanity
- Daedalus193 - [DL] Daedalus [PT]
- SoaringSout - DylanH
- iPwn - Tri-Op
- RandomSpoon - RandomSpoon
- Door - [TW] Door