The WTF thread.

I’ve got a good one. I take Ambien for an REM sleep disorder. Well…I took more than I was supposed to last night and woke up to this on Facebook this morning.

I know, why don’t you do that? Come back and tell us about it when you are done.

I don’t think will, since he has no balls.

I was banking on his stupidity to read that, think that turning himself in would make him cool and, then… turn himself in.


You all have to take a look of this.

And this one too

Title: Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 Speedrun
Content: ‘Traveling Salesman Problem’ solution attempted for Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3

me age 16 was prob better at tony hawk than that guy


haha what

what a fucked up thing to say kamikal

a child was molested by a social worker that was supposed to help and protect her, but yeah, “she won’t know any better”

i suppose that if one was to only read the headline it could, through an inhuman feat of confusion and misunderstanding, be possible to to think that it was the 11 year old who was convicted. seems far fetched but thats the only way i can imagine his pre edit comment making some kind of sense

BM forum never forgives![COLOR=’#11111’]only sometimes

And BM forum never forgets!
Expect them!


more lies

only if you like disappointment

Look at this guys.

That was just a dream.

Stop watching this shit. The more views you give, the more it encourages people to try and be dumbasses.

So this morning in Marketing class, we watched a video about how companies are marketing sex to “tweens”, a demographic which now apparently reaches children as low as 8.
Examples included clothing that looked like it was designed for strippers, (And interviews with children saying how they liked how wearing the clothes got ‘creepy guys’ to ask them to go to clubs.) sexually provocative pop stars and television ads, and how Barbie is now considered for babies (instead of little girls) because she (the character, not the doll that represents it) does things like becoming a doctor or an airline pilot or the secretary of state, instead of just lying around flirting with men and generally being an object.

Needless to say, everyone in the lecture hall who wasn’t a pedophile (which I hope is 100% of the class) was screaming “WHAT THE FUCK?!” repeatedly.
We also applauded the one instance of a parent doing actual parenting and forbidding their 12-year old child from wearing skanky clothes.

This video is at least a couple of years old, and since I don’t recall any major news stories about there being a controversy along these lines, I can only assume it is still happening. What the actual fuck.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.