The WTF thread.

Okay but, why does she care about this sandwich? I mean it’s just a sandwich.


Anyone think that woman looks kinda like Root on Person of Interest?

I don’t find it strange that someone cares in such a way, ridiculous yes, but not strange. Here in sweden, the ice cream Nogger Black was discontinued in 2007, 2 years after it was announced because people found it offensive. You can probably guess why, it doesn’t remove the fact that it was a ridiculous claim.
So racist.

Though, it all rised because their commercial and billboards said Nogger+liquorice=true.

…WowO_o, I have no idea that name of this ice cream even exist.

Oh, hah, my avatar actually comes from a Skyrim comic thing that I can’t seem to find.

Edit: Ah, here it is!

I have a feeling that sandwich thing is pulled waaaaay out of context. Basically you’ve got two articles making fun of two isolated, out of context sentences.

They also seem to suggest that discussions over white privilege (and the fact that those who are privileged often don’t realize it) are outmoded, tiresome, and unnecessary, which certainly isn’t true.

It feels like an attempt to marginalize people who are concerned about and want to help the systematically under-privileged.

A peanut butter- and jelly sandwich is just disgusting and lethal.

[COLOR=‘Black’]You know, just like black people.

Oh. Oh my. >.>


Still doesn’t beat this:

And yes, I do know it can be interpreted as “Golden Happytime”, pardon my primal brain.


“Casey Jenkins from Melbourne, Australia, wanted to do something unusual with her knitting to make women’s private parts appear less “shocking or scary”.”

She failed. She really failed.

Indeed my friend. Indeed.

Regardless, you can’t have a gaytime on your own.

This can be made even more weird if you imagine that there’s someone fapping to it, RIGHT NOW.

That sounded disconcertingly like a confession. :mono:

Hippies are at it again

Gotta admit though, that guy can act.

Yeah he can tbh.

Very catchy, much philosophy, wow

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