Going against my better judgement, I’ve decided to share a scientific article for discussion here. And I apologize in advance if the thread goes horribly awry, and I’m sorry if it doesn’t quite fit in this particular section of the forums, though it does have a Half-Life connection.
I was perusing my usual sites today when I stumbled across this article and couldn’t help but think of Half-Life.
According to the article, “crystal can store information encoded into entangled quantum states of photons,” and that “Quantum networks will allow the sending of information [using photons].”
So, be it a bit of stretch, I think this could be applied to teleportation theory. If crystals can be used to store and send information via photons through space, what if they could be used to store and send bigger bits of information such as atomic data and mass, therein becoming a viable teleport via dematerializing?
It just strikes me as interesting considering the big teleportation medium in Half-Life is a special crystalline structure. Perhaps using a crystal to teleport isn’t so far-fetched. Though I don’t see the opening of portals to parallel dimensions/universes coming from this, perhaps there is the potential of sending matter through space.
Maybe those green-laser things were particle accelerators sending high-energy photons into the Xenian crystal to create a Quantum network via the Xen relay. Thus allowing matter to be sent back and forth via dematerialization. Perhaps the interactions of subatomic particles in the Xen borderworld with the Quantum network caused a temporal rip of some sort, causing the whole Black Mesa fiasco. Anti-matter colliding with matter, or perhaps dark matter colliding with these Quantum network photons/particles?