The Elder Scrolls Adventures - Battlespire

[COLOR=‘Red’]Pre-packaged download installed and ready at bottom of post -

Battlespire was the first and only game in a spinoff series for the elder scrolls called the elder scrolls legend. It was originally planned to be an expansion pack for daggerfall, but it expanded into its own game (which was probably a bad idea as it isn’t very well known)

Skip to the bottom if you just want to give it a go.


General info:

IMO the game is pretty fun, but its definitely hardcore, it’s kinda like a more modern dungeon master, or a first person diablo.

Plus the atmosphere of the game is pretty creepy, thanks to the music: Battlespire Soundtrack 02

I found a download a while back, and decided to upload it for anyone who wants to check it out. I already set it up with DOSBOX so all you have to do is launch it:

[COLOR=‘DarkSlateGray’]Beware if you don’t like difficult games, this will rape you in the ass

I recommend coop, It is quite challenging and fun with a friend - it supports up to 8 players i think. Unfortunately it looses the dialogue in favor of dropped notes in multiplayer.

I hear nothing but bad things about this game, even from die hard Elder Scrolls nerds, but I guess it’s worth a shot.

Thanks for the link, I’ve wanted to give it a go. Not sure when I’ll get to it though, skyrim and all. :smiley:

Well, I gave it a try. Initial thoughts below.

The character creation is kind of a pain the ass without the manual, but I eventually got a decent battlemage made. The combat is way faster paced than Daggerfall – closer to Arena in that respect – but you have way more health than either of those games. Which is nice. Oh, and the blatantly gratuitous nudity is lulz.

I think this might actually be kind of fun, thanks for the link

Holy fuck this game is hard.

How did you get a decent battlemage? I tried making a spellsword but once I run out of spell points I can’t really do much. Did you take an advantage like regenerate SPs? Or are there potions to restore magicka?

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.