History repeats itself, my good sir Danson.
No they just don’t know how to read
Try to fix oil leak
Get hated by the world
Sad BP… It could have happened to any oil company.
…that they caused…
And therein lies the problem. Business has proven by this and other incidents that they cannot be trusted to “self-regulate”. Us human beings are regulated far more than business and business has the potential to cause more damage than any human could ever do. Yet they’re limited from liability in most cases.
I wish I could limit MY liabilities…
read an article today that stated they were currently in ownership of HUNDREDS Of safty violations. Exxon? One.
Sorry… all oil companies should have learned from Exxon. Spill is very bad business.
Omg… If they hadn’t lied and said that they took precautions for this, we wouldn’t be in this s***… Lying gets you nowhere. And on top of that, its effin hurricane season, and if some magic thing happens that causes raining oil, we are going to EFFING DIE!
It’s a shame that BP is a british company. for some reason I really wanna blame america.
Even though we are the victims?
Thanks a lot bitch.
Well yeah but with the current climate in the oil industry, the only way to be able to compete is by ignoring a lot of safety regulations. For this reason I think saying it’s all BP’s fault and planning to boycott them and stuff is just oversimplified thought.
I agree with you though, these businesses should be regulated a lot more. Can’t just let them do as they please.
Stop cussing. It’s not cool and rather annoying.
On topic: They’re fucking trying to cut off the pipe to fix it. If they fail they’re killing of the gulf of Mexico is mere years, instead of decades.
EDIT: @Doom: Yeah, sure. Killing of your workers=good busenis amirite?
You can. Wasn’t it Obama who lifted the ban on oil drilling in the gulf? As if nobody could have guessed what would happen.
Well, yes and no. That was Bush. Obama just allowed for LESS oil drilling than what Bush was calling for.
The chance that something actually goes wrong is very small and the time you save by not doing it allows you to get a lot more money. It should have been regulated by the government, so in a way it’s the American government’s fault this happened.
I’m curious… Whose jurisdiction did the oil platform fall under, in terms of OSHA inspections?
Shouldn’t we instead ask our beloved bureaucrats to kindly get off their chairs and go into terrain and actually do some inspecting for which they have rights?
That is an editorial. Here’s the truth:
Bush lifts executive order banning it. Federal law still in place.
The Congress, at Bush’s urging and faced with $4/gallon gas prices, allows oil drilling ban to expire.
Obama pulls back (but not enough, in my opinion)
Two of those are fox news and cnn :hmph:
Propaganda news is propaganda filled.