Don’t you hate it when people tell you that you “like omg you need to play this super awesome game from a long time ago, it’s fucking amazing!" But the game’s so fucking old it’s almost impossible to find?
Monkey Island
Metal Gear (MSX)
Full Throttle
Goldeneye 64
Sonic Adventure
Sonic CD
And about a billion other games.
It’s sad really. The older games are, the less likely anyone can actually play them.
Well, the less likely anyone can LEGALLY play them that is. I can’t believe I’m asking this, but… (cringe)… Does anyone know a good torrent?
I mean, it’s not like EA’s making any money off the game anymore. And as soon as it’s on Steam or GoG I’ll but it ASAP! That’s fine and I’m not a hypocrite! Right?! Right?!
I’m going to hell. Oh wait! I’m an atheist!
I have never seen so much fail in one sentence in my entire life.
Yahtzee is a whining brat that knows how to write. The only reason people watch his show is to see how much he can bitch about minor flaws in otherwise great games (Bioshock, Metal Gear Solid 4, Super Mario Galaxy) and see how much he can crucify bad games (Alone in the Dark), all while moaning every time there’s a new sequel to popular franchises (Final Fantasy, anything Nintendo) and retells the Psychonauts sob-story for the billionth time and using it as an example on how it’s OUR fault the industry is overcrowded with cookie cutter sequels, ignoring the fact that 95% of new IPs suck balls (Haze, Timeshift, Too Human, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazzard, Damnation etc.) so gamers using sequels as a security blanket was inevitable. Sure, Psychonauts should have sold well, but saying that it’s ALL OUR FAULT is just idiotic.
Okay, I admit I’m a fan of ZP and I think Yahtzee’s writing is brilliant, but I beleive I still have a point.