Suggestions for the final Steam BM version

how about fixing those giant Crossbow bolts?

Also, this scientist can take 10 crossbow bolts, 2 RPG rockets and 2 fully charged Tau blasts and a little more before dying

and the jump module is missing vmt files

The Hev suit misses the line about movement activated when you pick up the long jump also… The lady scientists chatter needs to be delayed to accomodate the line from the hev suit upon aquiring the LGM

those arrows look more like mini rockets or fireworks :slight_smile: hmmm too big

Smoke particles on the item flare?

Please add Surface Tension Uncut and On a Rail Uncut to the final version it would be spectacular and is a must. I cant stress enough how important and great it would be to both be in the final version

Hit detection way out on npc’s for crossbow bolts… Weather that is the hit boxes need fixing up (probably the case)… npc Hit boxes need proper alignment…

The doors / walls of the rubbish compactor in apprehension start and stop the motion should be fluid from start to finish…slow down and quicken up not stop.

Why do marines have gasmasks? They should use gas on the player… Tear gas rounds from the nade launcher occasionly to flush the player out if you stay in the smoke you are in poision gas… HEV suit warning and loss of health.

also notice how white the tear gas smoke is

Theres a good idea for a sequence to make the vent maze in we got hostiles more interesting too…make a world model gas mask… And a sceen overlay gas mask that activates on pick up… once you get to the room with the shot gun and scientist that lets you through to blast pit you can kill / deactivate the gas mask gameplay and the screen overlay… Without going in to too much detail the connotatations are obvious… You need the mask to get through the vent maze without gradually being gassed to death… Interesting gameplay too. obscured vision and crawling in vents… This would up the ante what with all the alarms going off and announcements being made showing a sense of panic and really being on the run. I would say xen life is unaffected and would work on a similar principle to drowning mechanics with the O2 bar even with the mask on… So you need to make it to the next closed room in the vent maze to avoid being gassed… without the mask the gas is totally lethal. (air stops)

And of course a gas mask breathing sound effect the whole time you are wearing the mask.

It makes the gas mask wearing marines plausible and that the gas attack or chemical attack on the xen creatures failed… So it is plausible as a one off.

Having to turn the fans off in the vent shafts to reach the ladders without getting chopped up :slight_smile: but that lets the gas spill into the vents making it dangerous to traverse to the next area in terms of your o2 level…

I also thought about a scene in we got hostiles Vent Maze… Seeing the road from a vent and an Abrahms tank rolling down the road… A zombie torso gets run over by the tank tracks yet the headcrab jumps off… Showing the military might crumble from the get go and the challenges involved.

Ok none of this was in Half life… But I think it would take it to another level of gameplay and keep it interesting making a boring area special and good. Obviously rejigged without losing what is already included in the stock we’ve got hostiles and giving a bit of story whilst providing some new gameplay mechanics which are quite simple to pull off.

We got hostiles Vent Maze

All ‘End Game’ NPCs seems to have that kill protection. They only die when you fire rapidly at them. It’s really fun thing though :stuck_out_tongue:

A number of people have been asking about this. At this time, we are unable to incorporate community mods into Black Mesa. There are a number of reasons for this namely the following:

  1. We need to have full rights to any content we put on Steam. This is a given.

  2. Maintenance. Even if we could distribute integrated mods on Steam, who fixes them when they break? What happens if VALVe makes an engine change that screws up ST Uncut and makes the game crash for everyone? That’s on us and it’s a risk we don’t need or want to take. We have enough on our plate already :slight_smile:

Well, on issue #1, all you need to do is get some kind of signed agreement from the people involved that the rights shift over to you, unless I’m underestimating the complexity of the issues involved. And on issue #2, I’m supposing that, instead of simply adding the maps to Black Mesa as-is, you would need to start a dialogue with the maps’ creator and produce a final, minimally changed, version that is technically closer to the rest of Black Mesa’s maps and that the BM dev team understands how to troubleshoot as well as any of their original maps.

When I say full rights, I mean full rights. I mean the mod maker would need to say “The BMS team now owns my work and can do whatever they want with it.” There are a ton of legal complexities involved with this such as “does the mod maker actually have the rights to all their content?”, “do they have the authority to sign it over?”, “can a legal agreement be enforced in their country, etc”. It’s a mess and we’re not lawyers.

#2: You missed the point. We don’t want to spend time fixing mods. You’re essentially telling us “Do more work and learn how the mods work then fix them”. We have our own mod to fix and make. BM would never finish at that rate.

I think that the best thing fans of ST and OaR Uncut can do for now is hope for some from of Workshop integration… That’d be a win for everyone, I’d think.

People would be able to play BM with/without the maps the want, and the Devs
can just tell people who want the Uncut maps to “Grab 'em from the Workshop!”

That’d be good for Loop Mod, and Hazard Course as well. And maybe Insecurity?

I know you guys (the Devs) can’t say anything on the issue. I’m just voicing an opinion.

To easily translate the original request is simple… Please add the missing areas from Half life 1…

Which to be honest seeing that the community has taken it into their own hands to try to do this must say something to you folks about that…

I would rather that the team who made black mesa did this mind… But when nobody says anything about it…the result is a good community here trying to fill the gaps from the original HL game that got left out… So yeah people want the full original game more or less recreated… But I would rather it was by the team responsible for making Black Mesa in the first place… This is the best solution and I hope may happen if I keep my fingers crossed :slight_smile:


This is not a confirmation or a denial. Just keep it in mind.

It’s okay, if you think that the game is better off with pieces missing from it, that’s the team’s prerogative; an artist decides what they do and don’t want to include in their art.

Have a two week vacation courtesy of me. This is not at all what I have said. This is precisely the reason why the team is afraid of opening up. I should add that this is the second time you’ve been called out on making major assumptions.

Nevermind. Posted in error.

In light of these posts, the only way I see the Uncut maps integrated officially into BM, is if TextFamGuy joins the BM dev team in the same legal agreement with Valve as the rest of them, which probably won’t happen due to various practical and legal issues.

But they’re always available separately, so I don’t really see a problem.

I don’t get why it’s an issue at all. It’s not hard to download the uncut maps, or the Hazard Course, or Uplink, or whatever. While the workshop integration thing would be neat, it doesn’t really change much in the way of acquisition: People that want it get to download it separately, those that don’t aren’t bothered.

The workshop solution would make it easier to install though and subsequently drown down all the support needed for newbies.

And this is ultimately why I will have to support a workshop model. Because it allows the parties in charge of their sections (Text with ST and OaR uncut, me with Loop mod, the Hazard Course devs, etc.) to update as they see fit. I’ve seen it work extremely well with Portal 2’s workshop.

That, and I understand why you guys have to have the rights to what you put there. That does kill chances of integration, and that does make me sad face (believe me, I would love to see my own work in an official release), but at the end of the day I’ll just have to live with that. Whatever they decide to put in BM falls on them.

And they would be releasing work that’s not even theirs. That would be immoral.

But anyways, one thing I have been wondering is that once BM is on steam, how would uncut projects function? To make them work, they have to replace some existing maps. And I think that most things on steam respond to some sort of file list that’s in a cloud. And it will rewrite any files that are changed by the user.

And if that’s the case, altered maps would be changed back. Which could be a big deal since a few of the mods are meant to be expansions on the main campaign. This also applies to sound files, texture mods, model mods, cfg mods, and anything else where stock files are overwritten.

I also have no idea if that’s steam-side, or if there’s anything that can be done about that. So I too am keeping fingers crossed.

off line mode…

Seems a bit odd that you won’t be able to replace files…especially if they have the same name? they won’t be missing…

So once it’s on steam that is it… So how do people manage to mod other steam games now like counterstrike?

Oh times have changed… Workshops…

One of the devs posted about this a few months back:

Also, from this FAQ about Source engine games on SteamPipe:

If they implement something similar, using and keeping custom files will probably not be a problem.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.