Suggestion for the dam...

I was looking over pictures of the Surface Tension chapter and was thinking that the bunker on the far side of the dam may need a little bit of tweaking. If you look at the spacing on the walls on either side of the door, it really doesn’t look like it would be able to open very wide, probably not even wide enough to let a small car through. Just a quick cosmetic suggestion…

Would have been better in the “quick suggestions” thread, but the suggestion itself is quite reasonable.

Yeah, in hindsight I should have put it in there…

maybe a mod can move the post (speaking of small suggestions)

Well, those pictures are quite old, so the dam probably doesn’t even look like that anymore.

Well, to be fair, the dam is one thing that I’m worried about in BMS.

Even though I’m told that the shots of it that I have seen are old, I can’t help but notice that I haven’t seen a single picture of it that looks up to par with everything else. Here’s to hoping they have done drastic overhauls.

This is a dam good suggestion.

that is a sexy ground blend texture there

Looks like we’re going to be seeing some more action on the dam then? Because that looks like paths for grunts to follow.

This information gave me a rather painful erection.

It’s simple things like these that pump me up for BM all over again.

Are those paths there for grunts, or the truck?
Grunts right? That door doesn’t actually open in BM?

Please, do go on. :jizz:

What the fuck are you talking about?

Huh, guess I didn’t look close enough. Doesn’t the idea of a dam seem kind of redundant though? I would assume that because Black Mesa is supposed to be an old Cold War missile complex, it would be a large target for dozens of Soviet missiles… So, why in the Hell would they decide to put a dam there?

Now, I’m not throwing in the suggestion that it’s my opinion to do away with the dam altogether… It’s just something that I’ve been trying to figure out for years now…

Hint: It’s a game.

Touché, Broken…

The need the dam to produce their own electricity, so they don’t have to use the national grid.

Okay, cool your balls Keresh, you could have just asked what I meant.

I said up-to-par. When I think about the Dam, I remember shots like these.

Your second picture looks like a farther away version. And I already mentioned that I know that it’s old - I meant my statement as an unexplained premature worry. I know it is probably overhauled now. I’m mean, Raminator understood.

Then you should check the wiki before saying stuff like that. Plus it still sounds like you think the dam looks crap. Explain.

I wonder if you can surf down the side of the wall, CSS style. That’d be something fun for the testers to try.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.