Suggestion for the dam...

That shot with the Garg and the Apache was just done for an AI test and is quite old, so disregard it when it comes to current quality of the map.

Map quality is better then Half-Life: Source. Much better.

So I’m content with the dam no matter how it looks.


Aww shit, I guess it’s not better than the original Half-Life.

That reminds me: How are you going to get on the downstream side of the dam in this version? Same way as in the original Half-Life?

It certainly would add a level of bad-assness if you ended up fighting your way through the power station at the foot of the dam.

I only just noticed this, but- Is that an HECU Soldier sitting on a chair in that booth? It’s really hard to make out, but I think it could be.

awaits confirmation/disappointment from ram

I don’t know. Looks to me like Barney got the Moe Green Special while grinding through another workday.

damn dam


So basically it’s gonna be a giant dark waterslide?

Oh god I hope I’m right, that’ll be fun :smiley:

Will you still pass by the generators on your way through? In HL1 you have to shut down the dynamos before you can get through.

I was considering that. Nothing like a good ol’ economic collapse to get people to put dams all over the place. I wonder if any new ones will be popping up soon… >_>

We’ll know by August 2nd. Sounds like they have a compromise as of today though.

A spillway is basically just a giant pathway that goes from the top to the bottom. It does exactly what it’s name suggests, extra water spills into it and flows though the spillway, where it’s deposited downstream of the dam.

I hope the apache’s been redone; I was never particularly impressed with it.

I’m pretty sure damn near everything in that pic has been replaced since it’s creation. Except, maybe but not without reasonable doubt, the garg.

I don’t think the Apache has, at least the picture on the wiki appears to be the same.

Maybe the wiki’s pic is old.
The description of it certainly seems to dictate that it was the hot now shit at the time with it’s fancy next gen environment maps. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is good news. Sorry for complaining in the first place.

Oh cool, that was my only problem with it :smiley:

edit nvm im dumb

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