
Hi i am new but i wonder if there will be sprinting in BM? It would be cool but when sprinting you cant fire your gun like in Real Life because it could be too inaccurate. Like when you are sprinting your gun’s barrel will face upwards and your gun’s stock will face downwards.It would be cool. :slight_smile:

besides, why should running really fast block you from shooting? Shooting ACCURATELY might be another matter, but I personally would find disabling my ability to shoot things while moving quickly to be anything but cool.

Holy shit, I didn’t know you could use weapons while sprinting in HL2! My shotgun rushing tactics just took a turn for the better!

yep you can in hl2. except it uses our flashlight power and sprint power…

well yeah that is true when running you could shoot but I just prefer not being able to shoot when running IDK why it adds to the realism and cool if you ask ME this is just my opinion. yes we all have different opinions but is there a command that disables sprint shooting?

I just checked in EP2, you can definitely shoot while sprinting.

oh ok thx

and also i am a VERY SERIOUS CASE OF trigger finger

Isn’t there some variable that controls cursor/screen wobble while you’re walking or sprinting? If there was, you could just boost that up so that aiming while sprinting was simply unfeasible, even though shooting wouldn’t be impossible, like what it is like in real life.

When I’m sprinting and shooting… it’s just awfully wobbling. :frowning:
Stupid mouse sensitivity.

Yes, you can sprint and shoot at the same time Rambo style in Half-Life 2. And it’s awesome! Screw realism!

A person trained in Firearms can, to some extent, control his accuracy even while sprinting. It comes with practice.

And seeing Gordon isn’t one… am gonna shut up now.

gordon has quite the experience … i’d imagine reduced accuracy like on a ladder while sprinting and shooting…

Gordon Freeman can climb up ladders without using his hands. Thats how awesome he is.

Yeah, and he moves around without actually touching the floor. He rocks.

The only time you ever ever see Gordon is when he puts the HEV suit on in HL2.


I like the airboat handles that turn by Gordon’s mind power.

Yes, that is amazing.

He also presses buttons with his mind.

You can see Gordon’s hands in HL1, I thought. That might only be with the HD pack though. I’m not sure.

You see them in HL1 with or without the HD pack, just like in all HL games, when you’re holding weapons, and for odd other animations like when you put the suit on in HL2.

I meant ‘extended’ arms… :jizz:

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.