simply cannot climb on boxes etc

i played half life before and had never this problem but now
in some scenes i have to climb on boxes to reach for example a ventilation shaft but with “w” in combination with space it didn´t work
any idee ?

Crouch-Jump. You’ve played Half-Life, you should be familiar with it.

And this is why scrapping the Hazard Course was a bad idea.

Tutorial text is important. Don’t ignore it.

Yepyep, HUD hints already cover pretty much everything worth noting, the Hazard Course isn’t really useful.
Oh well, at least you’ll getcher stinkin’ auto-crouchjump.

I believe raminator drew this at one point. :wink: oh and then there is this:

We should make all jumps in the Hazard Course require crouch jumping.


Did we not?
I actually don’t know, I instinctively crouch jump.

I uh… I don’t remember. For the same reason.

I think the Sprint Jumps don’t require crouch jumping, but they’re much easier to do with crouch jumps.

Honestly, they should include an auto-crouch-jump option, just like always sprint

Would make the game flow a lot smoother

The devs have stated that they’ve already implemented it.

Yup, with it enabled (can be easily disabled if you don’t like it) you only need to jump and move forward on an object to get onto it. The overall jump height was also increased if I recall.

XD not bad! I remember my first playthrough of Half-Life, when I’d gotten to Xen I didn’t know what to do, then voilá Hazard Course showed me how to handle the long jump module.

Duck jumping is a trademark of Half-Life in my opinion.

Jesus Christ, it’s been 2,5 years since release and there are still people who don’t know how to crouch jump?

That’s alright, I’ve been coming here years and there are still people who don’t realise the futility of bumping months-dead threads. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, I think this problem is solved. Good call.

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