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Ok, I’ll contact you, Level, when I have some content that needs design.
I’m waiting for some feedback (from other game-programmers) on whether/how I should go about adding gametypes & a map-editor.

edit I programmed a gametype system. Currently two gametypes: last man standing and tourney mode. Also programmed a little bot.

It creates temporary shields when it detects an enemy bullet nearby. The shield gets destroyed, but so does the bullet.

I doodled this on a pice of toilet paper


Yea, i know, im a little rusty.

what did u use for colorz?

shit piss and blood obv.

How did u know?

Edit: ive made this: x4
D|–0-0-0-0–0--3-0–3-0–0-3-0-3-0–0-0-0-0–12-0-12-0-12-0-12-11-10-|-0-12-0-12-0-12-0-12-11-10[/SIZE] x4

low-poly rocket launcher i just finished for a game. I based it on the armbrust rocket launcher used in hl1 but removed some things so it doesn’t take up too much of the screen in-game. also got lazy on some parts of the model, like the holes are supposed to rounded. should look alot better once it’s textured though.

This took FOREVER but it was so worth it…I am so fucking pleased with myself:

I already posted my latest :confused:

Colt 1911 I just finished. I hate making handguns so i got lazy on the details.



I installed Painter + my tablet drivers on my netbook last weekend, and doodled this Friday night. My neck really hurt from looking down, so I gave up and went to sleep. I need to plan my working conditions better. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also! I started working on the Robowars website, and I have my eye on a domain name. A friend let me use his server space, but I haven’t uploaded anything there yet. I’ll send a PM to Level when it’s ready for a CSS overhaul.

I also recorded a vid of the bots fighting, I’ll upload to youtube and update with a link.

Here’s some reptiloid bitch with technicolor socks. I think her foots are my favorite part of the whole mess.


Um, how about letting us know what it is first.

Jedi kniggit being remade to jedi academy: LEVEL THE FIRST

(Videos uploaded out of order chronologically, but in order of how the level plays)

[EDIT: Youtube tags don’t work! :fffuuu: ]


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.