Several bugs, some of which have been reported before - might be inherent to Steam retail version


I have a couple of bugs te report, the first two having already being reported several times though…

Info: Running the current Steam version as of this date (22’nd of april, 2015) and the bugs might be inherent to this version.

  1. Missing hivehand. The hivehand weapon is not located in the lift due to the fact that it has fallen though the floor of the lift. This can easily be seen if a new hivehand is spawned in the lift, using console command “give item_weapon_hivehand” twice, in which case it is seen falling through the floor. (The hivehand was there in the free mod version and worked like a charm)
  2. Same with the Hidden Hat in the yellow container in the assassin room in the Lambda complex (assuming that the hat is supposed to be there in the Steam version - it was there in the free mod version and I did the achievement in that)
  3. The Lambda Core starts without having to pull the Manual Override lever (I can’t remember if that was the case as well in the free mod version)
  4. When loading a quick save near Vortigaunts, their movement is often reset … they just stand there and quite often not even firing their beam at you. This does not appear to be the case with any other NPCs/creatures in the game.
  5. Automatic turret on the cliffside in Surface Tension just around the first corner doesn’t always show up … I’ve only met it once in several playthroughs (including the free mod version) and it surprised the s*** out of me… Might have fallen off it’s ledge up there…
    Thanks for an amazing game and I’m looking forward to seeing the final chapter…! :slight_smile:


The missing hat is intentional, they want you to take it through more of the game.

Aah right - thanks :slight_smile:

The hivehand bug is a known issue. The techs are looking into it.

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