I actually stated after that sentance you quoted daniel "And [i][u][b]if[/b][/u][/i] that is the case..." I would prefer ON TOP of listening to both sides that the individual would also go on to do his/her own research as well. I hear too many rehashed opinions from people. It's like I am watching someone report fox news right to my face. News is mostly run by biased corporate whores who have the power to manipulate information. And people fall for it. Don't under estimate how easy it is to fool a lazy person. (PURELY GENERAL not directed at anyone specifically)
My political beliefs? I don’t like titles and I am not registered as a republican or democrat. I believe in the constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Our forefathers didn’t fight a revolutionary war to see the people grow dependent on a government the founders sought to protect us from via the constitution, bill of rights and Declaration of Independence.
Why is the president making so many decisions when it should be left up to the states? The only role of the president (Federal government) really is to provide the United States with National Security. Not to get involved with “squabbles”(as a previous poster stated.) like pro-life issues and gay marriage issues…
Why do people feel that federal laws have to be enacted to FORCE them to make a decision? If I want to go on a drug binge for a week why should the Federal government be up there ready to crack down on me for MY decision? As long as I am not a threat to anyone it should not matter EVEN if it kills me. That my friends is the power of Liberty.
Ultimately, I believe in the roots of what our country is supposed to represent; Life, Liberty and to pursue happiness. What do you guys believe? Someone should make laws that don’t allow you make your own decisions? We should go around the world bullying sovereign countries around? A former president who had (Still has I’m sure) a childish “Evil vs Good” mentality and a personal vendetta against a dictator is NOT a good excuse to invade a country and spend ummm Trillions of dollars to fund some military complex!
I think most politicians are career minded assholes who will do what they need to do to get to the top. And you know what? There are bad people that can make it up there COUGH BUSH COUGH BOTH OF THEM COUGH (Does the Patriot Act sound not evil to you?)
Ron Paul is 75 years old guys. I don’t know about you but I would want to retire by 65 and the last thing I would want to do is run for president. I don’t think Ron Paul will make the candidacy (I hope I am wrong.) But if there is one thing I know for sure, out of ALL of the candidates running for the republican nomination Ron Paul is the one I want to see go up against Obama.
Ron Paul is fighting for you guys he is not fighting for his own gain or some corporate whore gain. So, cast aside these ridicules titles of Republican and Democrats and listen to reason whatever that may be and show support for the man and when the election rolls around we will all see what happens.
Congress still has to vote on it. Nothing is set in stone yet as of 8/1/2011
An honest question… Did you read the whole article? Or just watch the video?
Everyone knows what the point of the constitution is right? PLEASE tell me you know! And the reason behind the rhetorical question asked by k3nny1550 will be apparent why Washington could care less about the constitution...