Resident Evil: Revelations 2

Its a live action trailer with absolutely nothing about the game? I’m not sure what to discuss.

Nothing concrete to discuss but I hope this represents a solid step forward into moving this series back into true survival-horror rather than just fast action with zombies.

I suppose discuss wasn’t the right term to use. Okay, then feel free to speculate on who the little girl is, what relevance do the bracelets have and who is/are the main protagonist/s and antagonist/s.

Resident Evils plot has become so convoluted it really could be anything.

Double post for actual Revelations 2 info.

I like the sound of it. Hope they work hard on the atmosphere and mechanics.

Very interesting. So apparently this game will be released in episodes.

I guess they wanted a piece of the Telltale pie.

Weekly episodes tho… I just hope it doesn’t mean it’s rushed.

Interesting. Resident Evil Revelations 2 vs The Evil Within duel commence!

I think Evil Within will be the better game due to Shinji Mikami.

I think Revelations will be the better game due to “insert generic name for an asian man of inferior stature”

Oh yeah? Well, my dad works for Bethesda and he said The Evil Within will have more mega p’s per scare inch than ResiRev2, so there!

Seriously tho, I think both games will be great but you just can’t deny the higher pedigree and production values behind TEW. Mikami has worked on some of the best games in their genre and the latest impressions on Evil Within are showering the game with praise.

Whurs ur source 4 dis u hav no prooof

On topic: I like the look of things so far, but it’s too early for me to get hyped at all.

Barbed wire brains. 'Nuff said.

I am honestly just more excited for The Evil Within.


RE is too obsessed with trying to get action in there. Action can be good, create tension but RE does it too over the top.

Double post for gameplay

Most preview gameplays suck, because the dude doesn’t know how to play, so I skip them.

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