quake with music or no music

so im wondering should i go buy quake on steam with no music or go buy it and have to get extra downloads to get the music to work. Is it worth getting the downloads just to have music

Get the original Quake CD and run it in a VM running windows 98 with CD support.

There’s a way to get the music working on the Steam version, but I don’t remember how, so you have to google it either way.

I think I have the MS-DOS CD version lying around somewhere. The soundtrack is excellent if you can find a way to get it working. It’s TDS era Nine Inch Nails at its instrumental finest.

well my buddy was nice to let me have his cd of quake only problem is that i have to keep the disc in the drive wich drives me crazy hearing my cd playing spining extra lound

backup to ISO and use magicdisc

I run it in Steam using the fan made Darkplaces patch which replaces the game engine with Darkplaces that supports running the soundtrack from hard drive as OGG files. It not only makes you able to hear the soundtrack while playing the game but also gives it nicer graphics.

I’m pretty upset that they don’t make games where the soundtrack plays off the CD or is otherwise easily accessible in a folder. Nothing like bootin’ into half-life and scaring yourself to shits when someone leaves a halloween spooky sounds in the tray

Pretty outdated concept nowadays tbh. I remember booting up Quake with my Spice Girls CD in the tray. The instant clash of pop music vs underworld demons made me gigglefit so bad.

I did that with a Franz Ferdinand’s eponymous album and Half-Life. Fucking amazing.

I did that with Tori Amos before I even knew Half-Life could use CD soundtracks. Oh, how strange it was to hear Parasol in the tram ride.

EDIT: now I have the dire need to do it with the Blood Dragon soundtrack

The original Quake has great music, a virtual machine with enough video memory running Windows 95 or 98 should get the job done at playing it.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.