PSN Connection Issues

Alright so here’s abother PS4 thread. For some reason, when I turned on my PS4 today, it wouldn’t connect to the PSN servers for Destiny. I thought maybe it was just something with the servers, so I turned off Destiny and turned it back on a few times.

I got the same issues each time, but then it started to give me a message that said that “User generated material was not allowed on this profile” and “Voice and Text communication is not allowed with your profile” (or something similar to that) and still wouldn’t connect.

So I shut it down and turned it back on. Now, my profile avatar has disappeared, it won’t connect to PSN at all in any way, but it says it still has internet connectivity. It just says connecting to PSN has failed.

I tried to initialize the PS4, but it wouldn’t let me do that cause it couldn’t connect (tho I haven’t tried to longer initialization I just tried the quick one). I’Be tried resetting my router and everything as well to no effect, and all my other devices like my phone, iPad, and laptop seem to be working just fine. It’s just the PS4, for some reason.

Edit: also,!/ won’t open for me, and neither will the play station app I have. Maybe it s just Sony, but does anyone else have this problem right now? Or have had this, and know how to fix it?

EDIT 2: apparently it was indeed simply down. My apologies.

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