PS4 headphone audio is quiet

Ok sooooo I bought a PS4 recently, and a pair of Triton Kunai headphones as well. With my 360, the headphones are fairly loud (though still kinda quiet), but with the PS4 you can barely even hear anything at all. I tried boosting the volume on both headphones and the PS4, still no change. However, I can turn the volume down and it gets quieter. Suggestions anyone? I’d like to be able to hear xD

I had a somewhat similar issue with my PC where my headphones were only playing reverb audio in games - you couldn’t hear an explosion, but you could hear the echo of it.

Maybe you’re dealing with something similar?

I don’t think so, I hear everything like I should. It’s just like my volume is on low. For some reason, it varies per game. I think. Destiny, for example, is quieter than Metro Redux. Crunchyroll (an anime app) is slightly louder than the others. It’s really weird, and I can’t find anything through google on it.

plug the headphones into your TV

Can you bring it up to normal volume levels if you crank it up enough? If so, it just sounds like the different systems have different base volume levels.

I usually have to adjust my headphone volume based on what game I’m playing or if I watching videos, etc. Having a volume wheel on your headphones helps a lot.

Ok, as as dumb as it sounds, I fixed it xD at first the remote wouldn’t let me hear audio by plugging my headphones into it. Now it does and it made it so it’s nice and loud. Thanks for the suggestions and help though guys, I appreciate it.

Where was the ‘quiet’ audio coming from then?

At first I tried to plug into the remote, like it should, but there wasn’t audio from either the TV or the headphones. Then I plugged it via USB to the PS4, and I heard audio through the headphones, but the audio was really soft. I tried to see if maybe I was just hearing it from the TV but I wasn’t, it was definitely the headphones. Now, apparently, plugging it into the controller works. Either way it solved my problem, whatever the problem was.

Since when do TV remotes have headphone jacks?

I think he meant the PS4 controller, as it features an audio jack for heaphones.

^ yes

Apparently I hafta plug it in twice for it to realize I’m using headphones? I think? Either way it’s fixed, and I don’t have any more problems with it xD

I just realized it’s a headset, my previous suggestion was stupid then… Anyway I’m glad it works, you could probably fix the USB issue by changing it to 44000kHz 16bit in the PS4 settings, if it has those settings, I don’t have one to test myself.

I’m not sure that you can do that haha and I’m not home to check.

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