Project Ricochet 2

Okay.I’ll be polite this time.Do you think I have to think with logic?Why you don’t want to make Half-Life 3(hl2ep3 and hl2ep4)?Please tell me will memes solve everything?Excuse me are you lazy and try to avoid progress of Half-Life 3?Why are you not patient?Please tell me why?Why are you rudely doubtting I’ll fail everything?Please explain me?Please give me a chance?I’m begging you for a mercy.

Seriously, kid, what the fuck?!

Here, I’ll get you some.

First off, “Episode 4” wasn’t even really a thing. It was an idea a couple people at Arkane tossed around and then proposed to Valve because Viktor Antonov works there now. It never got off the ground, and it never had any solid design or work done on it aside from a couple pages of concept art.

Secondly, We do not have to make Episode 3. Neither does Valve, if they chose not to. As much as I hate to admit it, there is no requirement for another Half-Life game to ever exist in order for the world to keep going.

Thirdly, Yes, you do have to think with logic. That’s how thinking works.

Don’t worry though, we’re not doubting you’ll fail everything.

Well geez aren’t you a fucking negative nancy, shooting down this kid’s wonderful dreams…

Shooting down his dreams, I would never!
In fact, I got my uncle (he works at Valve) to send me one of his game designs so it can be made in Project Ricochet 2.


Okay.I’ll be polite this time.Do you think I have to think with logic?Why you don’t want to make Half-Life 3(hl2ep3 and hl2ep4)?Please tell me will memes solve everything?Excuse me are you lazy and try to avoid progress of Half-Life 3?Why are you not patient?Please tell me why?Why are you rudely doubtting I’ll fail everything?Please explain me?Please give me a chance?I’m begging you for a mercy.
It’s good sense of humour.It’s so funny.What funny story IsterDigitalGuy-Tommy Wiseau impression.Great job JeffMOD user.

Oops.I almost forget to add new comment.

I usually frown upon disassembling a statement and responding to each part individually, but it looks like it might be necessary if I’m going to get a point across.

As JeffMOD said, yes, you do.

I thought you were in charge of making it.

And if you want someone to help you with it, at least act somewhat dignified.

Can’t be any worse than writing a poorly-worded rambling.

Excuse me, but did you just call someone who doesn’t even work for you and hasn’t done anything on this project “lazy”? And how, exactly, is he “avoiding progress of Half-Life 3” if he’s not even working on it?

Unless of course that is the point- you’re saying he’s lazy because he isn’t working on the project. If that’s the case, then all I have to say is- seriously? Are you really trying to compel him to work for you? Well, let me just say it’s not going to work. All it’s going to do is make people less likely to want to work with you. And since you seem to want people to work with you on this, you’re going to need to adopt a different strategy.

Unless, of course, it’s just you not thinking with logic.

Because you’re very good at making people’s patience wear thin.

As JeffMOD said, we aren’t.

If you think with logic, you’ll figure out what we mean.

I’d say something about how your grammar gives this sentence a different meaning than you intended, but I doubt it would change anything.


Why thank you! And JeffMOD usually does do a good job. (Don’t care if you were being sarcastic)

Also, who’s IsterDigitalGuy? Is he a new forum user or something?

Oh, and I don’t know why, but I’m feeling a strong sense of Deja vu. It’s almost as if you’ve made this exact same post before.


Wait, so you’re making your version of Half-Life 2: Episode 3? I don’t understand… how about we see some images of your work? You haven’t really posted anything except some Microsoft Paint drawing of Alyx.

No it was Sketchbook Express on my Tablet.

Please get back to us when you have something game-wise to show. And please don’t create new threads on this until you have something game-wise to show.

Thank you.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.