Problems with Half-life 1

So, I started playing half life but I ran into some problems, let me name a few : slow walking with left shift doesn’t work on forward and backward moving , it’s always running, in addition, when I join some multiplayer games, I can’t move forward or backward at all and sometimes there is no weapon animations at all in multiplayer… some npc-s behave strange - the first time encountering houndeyes, one from the corridor runs toward the scientist hidden on the left and breaks the scripted scene ( there another scientist is being dragged into the ventilation shaft )… Deleting local Half-Life conent didn’t solve those issues…
If anyone has experienced simmilar problems or at least knows how to fix this, please tell me.

I don’t really know about the whole shift not working on strafe movement or the lack of forward and backward movement and animations, I never had those problems. However, the hound eye thing along with several other glitches has happened to me, but reinstalling the game fixed it. Otherwise, check your console by pressing the tilde key and see what the system is saying when the events occur. That should give you a better idea of where to start. It may be a corrupt file in there or a missing piece somewhere, and knowing what it is would help fix it eventually.

Thanks for the reply, but I think I solved at least some problems - verifieng game cache integrity didn’t help, but I was able to resolve the walking problem at least with fully deleting HL content from steamapps folder and reinstalling, and also deleting cloud storage… Haven’t checked for houndeye scene yet… I think the whole mess was caused by modded multiplayer servers I was playing on.
Edit : Houndeye problem didn’t resolve at all… The console doesn’t report any problems…

valve updated the game to his steampipe…it is the worse update ever caused by very bad coders .
as an example , i made a mod of hl maps but with opposing force dll years ago .
as i did it in low and high quality models , i wanted to update engine so the two versions could be installed at once …
then i made it and tested : mouse was moving eyes like in a windows of a wall .
after a lot of tests , i used gearbox as folder name…then my mouse was moving like before in 360* with all axis .

This update is seriously annoying… A LOT of scripted scenes have been screwed ( mostly those involving NPC-s )… Can anyone recommend how to fix them? Can anyone confirm them in the expansions too?
P.S. Any news about Valve patching the damn thing?
Edit: Half-Life: Source appears to be WAY more messed up… Guess only good way to replay HL is to find a pirated copy… sigh…

HL:S has always been a mess, it was a hasty port from one engine to another.

Though for HL, what problems are you having exactly? The game works fine for me, I’m not having any issues.

Most scripted scenes with npc-s are a mess. a short list: 1. unforseen consequences - in first meeting with houndeyes , one rushes to a scientist hiding in a corner, attacks him and breaks the scene there 2 of other scientists are dragged into a vent and killed. 2. office complex - when you enter offices after the first turret - vortigaunts attack the scientist before you enter the hallway then he’s supposed to get caught by a barnacle, another scientist turns off the lights and gets stuck there… 3. Blast pit - the “eat lead you outer space octopus” guard starts shooting the tentacles the moment i enter the silo instead of me coming near him. that’s most i remember… are those normal or am i having a problem there?

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.