I noticed it right away, I tend to be drawn into stupid and unnecessary parts of games.
Haha, same.
Same here. Anyway, this thread is killing me! I can’t think of anything, and when I think of something I go to post it and somebody else has already posted it. I still can’t think of that original thought I had…
The ability to teleport :retard:
A good Day of Defeat.
Bunny hopping that’s actually effective?
How about being an integral part of my childhood?
I lol’d so hard.
Probably been said already, but:
In Half-Life, the Alien Grunts has bullet proof armor, you can’t do that in Source.
It does this.
It does this too, unless you’re old.
You people are confusing currently used features with engine abilities.
I thought we were talking about things that Goldsrc could do that Source cannot?
Ah screw it, I don’t know what I’m talking about. :retard: