Portal Stories: Mel

I originally had that problem as well… but then I got a little ways into the game, and now the puzzles are INSANELY hard with NO instruction, so I kinda MISS those hints at the beginning. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus, the hints make sense given the context of the character.

The core wants to escape itself, it says, sooo, he knows everything, so also how to solve the puzzles

Another complaint about the mod:

All the people we see at the beginning of the game, they seem like they are statues, they don’t move, not animated, nothing

Okay it’s a big mod, but they need to live

I wonder if u can have direct contact with the devs on Steam?

The devs said on the Steam forums that the Portal 2 branch (or, at-least the one they use) of Source doesn’t do NPCs. They’re just animated props.

Yeah I agree, these workers do look pretty awful. Theyre all just clones of generic male HL2 NPC No.3 and I think they do more worse than good.
And I dont know anything about Source Programming, but wouldnt it be possible to import the NPC stuff from another Source branch that does support actual NPCs? These mannequin-like clones are creeping me out.

I don’t know much about it either, but I’m gonna guess from what I’ve heard from other mod teams and from the overall high production values of Portal Stories, that it’s most-likely very tough to do, and isn’t worth it for 1 chapter.

I read a review about how much detail we see in the mod.

Indeed there is, at least for the maps and the props, but not for the NPC

Motherboard blew up 3 days ago and haven’t been able to finish the game !@!@$@#$@#%
I was REALLY enjoying this and now it’s gonna be quite some time until my MB arrives and I’m able to rebuild my system.

(Typing this on a computer that acts like it was built before electricity was invented.)

I ended up having to get my motherboard from overseas so, it just arrived over the weekend and I finally got back to the game yesterday and finished it today. I really enjoyed it. The puzzles are REALLY challenging! For those who thought Portal or Portal 2 were tough, wait until you play this game!

P.S. Be sure and hang around through the credits. Nice little something at the end.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.