Meh, (s)he’s gotta point. Just 'cuz food looks bad doesn’t mean it is. But that’s kinda away from the point.
Ugh… You know how hard it is to get a pizza delivered at this hour (8:00 AM over here)? Not very easy… Now I want pizza…
Looks tasty, although I think the background food may be a little misleading, looking at the actual pizza I think they only use one cheese, but there are two distinct cheeses in the background. Also they appear to have used cheap dried herbs on the top of the pizza.
What we need is someone to go and recreate that pizza, using both cheeses and some top quality fresh herbs. I know it’ll take a while and we’ll all be a bit peckish by the time it eventually arrives but I’m a firm believer it’ll be worth the wait.
That is quite clearly a bullshot of a pizza. Manipulated in photoshop to appear more tasty. The real thing will be just a mushy pool of melted cheese on top of round, hard bread smeared with red colored sauce product.
That pizza looks really great, but damn this red border of tomato sauce makes it so unrealistic. How did they produce it? Microsoft paint? This is way to much mainstream-goodlooking sauce. Have they forgotten how real pizzas of real PC users look like? There needs to be more stuff on it. Mostly mold.
I mean where does it even come from?! There is no Italian flag around that pizza making the whole historical context of it’s origin disappear. Who developed this?! Sorry, but as long as that pizza is that kind of crippled they never gonna see my money!!! Damn consoles.
You missed a spot.
But now that looks like a pizza carbonara with salami.
Top right of the whole pizza then bottom right of the slice being pulled… That’s mutters duh, 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 and then some…
It looks much better now, the only question is will it taste as good as the original and capture the joy I felt the first time I tasted the original, although not dated, pizza.
Put the fuckin’ slice in your mouth and find out, Oh Wise One… Wait… I read the title of the thread as Portal 2 gel. abit stolen, but I read and see pizza… WTF?!1
The pizza is a lie.
/dies a little inside
It’s not a lie, it’s just it’s still cooking, we have to wait until it’s perfect before serving. Unfortunately we have no idea when this may be.
Valve successfully combined several indie-games with good engine and controls (source).
They didn’t even steal it, they hired them.
Also I like pizza, from soft to hard, from cold (not frozen) to hot.
I like where this thread is going!
*continues stirring macaroni
I wonder what the other 2 gels could possibly do…
they kill you