Play 4 free but pay 2 win in tf2?

You resorted to ‘You are this and this and this, and I’m that and that and that - so I am more right than you are’.
This is a typical ad hominem fallacy. Now connect the dots.

See, more of proverbial bricks in the pan.
If you are so ticked off by my tiny punts and cryptics (I wonder why are you bitching so much about cryptics? Why am I considered inferior because of my usage of them? I don’t even…), it’s the problem of your lack of immunity to such things. Deal with it. Work on it.

That display mistake is minor since there were other inherent disadvantages that were known of since the very beginning (less damage to buildings, slowdown on overcharge and as it seems, you’re forced to fully recharge every time). Plus the fact that the problem was solved pretty fast. So with less damage - there is no problem with the gun itself. They can tweak it to 20% less - but it won’t change much. I promise.
The distribution of packs is another matter altogether.

‘Art style’ is absolutely consistant with TF2, although more steampunkish. They even ship it with a cool safari hat and epic mutton chops and pipe. Win.

The only time Ive said anything like that is when I stated that my opinion about TF2 is supported by more hours of play than your opinion, that’s it.

Honestly, I dont think you realize what ad hominem really means. I havent attacked you. In fact, you are the one who contests my, and other people’s, opinions as if your viewpoint is fact. I’ve never said I am more right than you.

For the third time, please explain how I am shitting bricks. You do realize “shitting bricks” refers to being scared or nervous, right? I don’t really understand how it applies because I am neither.

I’m not mad at, or bitching about, you being cryptic; there is nothing to be immune to. Rather I was merely pointing out and letting you know that being cryptic is why you are sometimes misunderstood. Being cryptic can cause confusion and implies a lack of knowledge OR competency in explaining oneself. Being cryptic is not good, I’m not quite sure why you would want to purposefully be cryptic in this case. Also, I never said you were inferior, you are making that assumption on your own.

Again, that is your opinion, I disagree. For some people, having 10% less damage may have been a reason not to buy the weapon. What if it were actually 75% less damage, would you still say it doesnt matter that it was neglected? What is neglected does not matter in this case, the fact that something was neglected is the important thing. Whatever was neglected, no matter how small in your opinion, could have changed a buyer’s decision. IMO that’s a big deal. Like I said before, its not difficult for Valve to remember to include all information about a new weapon when it is released, this isn’t the first time they have had weapon updates.

A little off topic, but as someone who works in the nuclear industry, I value competency and not making stupid mistakes; it is crucial. Double checking information before releasing is not difficult to do.

I can agree to an extent that the style isnt bad, but steampunk involves technologies utilizing steam power. Steam power was primarily used during the 19th century…I believe TF2 takes place in 1950. IMO steampunk is a little out of place for TF2.


Why be so stubborn? You did it once - I specifically noted that. Despite that - you resorted to it again, implied that I’m a newbo or inexperienced. Yet you’re stubbornly denying it. It may work with retards like garthbarttin, but not with me.
It really looks like majority of people around here don’t understand what argumentum ad hominem is. It is not an attack, it’s a logical fallacy. If you are so adamant in your opinion, why do you resort to a fallacy?

I can further press on how experience/playtime curve exponentially levels off past a certain play-time, but it seems that it would be rather futile with your type.

It’s really the matter of several people going apeshit when I use some meme and have an irresistible urge to put me in reproach for that - like I’m the only one using memes and cryptics on these boards. And it wan’t really directed to you - just a note to myself.
I should have said ‘why do you people’ as I see now. My mistake.

Shitting bricks was an evident disproportional response to my choice of words. :retard:
Question is, why do you still so stubbornly strive to make a fool out of yourself?

Such an item would never be introduced. Don’t stray from the essence.

You really like to make it look bigger than it actually is, don’t you? It’s dubious to believe that out of those who bought it, anyone cried over 10% decrease as no one could tell the difference.
It’s still a potent anti-personnel weapon not least due to overcharge as everyone saw. But with anti-building drawbacks. It’s perfectly fine.

So if it existed in 19th century it shouldn’t exist in 1950s? Today aircraft carriers use steam power for catapults.
And I know what steampunk is. It can simply refer to the shapes and proportions - as well those archaic pressure gauges. It doesn’t have be powered by steam (though it looks like it does) to look steampunk-ish.

What am I implying you are inexperienced at, playing TF2? All I said was your playtime was less than mine, which means I may be able to weigh my opinions heavier than you. Why is that such an insult to you? Its not meant to be. I never said you were a noob.

I know ad hominem is a logical fallacy, but it doesn’t apply to our conversation. You are using it incorrectly.

I certainly understand how after a certain number of hours, one will develop as much experience and skill as they can and more hours won’t make a difference. Futile with my type? Who is being insulting now?

I can understand that and I do not have a problem with memes, sometimes they are appropriate and sometimes they are not.

How am I making a fool out of myself. As usual, a little bit of reasoning and explanation goes a long way.

You completely missed the point I was attempting to make. Once again it has nothing to do with what was actually neglected, just the fact that something was neglected. How do you know people weren’t upset about the 10%? Don’t assume.

You do not have to agree with my opinion regarding Valve’s mistake, I’m not asking for that, but I hope you at least understand my point/reasoning?

Certainly something from the 19th century could exist in the 1950’s, but I believe technology would improve and it wouldnt look like it did in the 19th century. Basically i think it looks out of place in TF2 because nothing else in TF2 is steampunk. Why does everything have to turn into an argument? We simply have a difference of opinion, not everyone is going to agree with you, sometimes you just have to accept that.

This whole thread is starting to get really old and drawn out.

And again you have to continue going there. Why do you have to stubbornly offer excuses? :slight_smile:
No, I’m not insulted. I’m just pointing out.

Drawing conclusions and assumptions from the arguing at hand. And I wasn’t insulted. :slight_smile:

You started off with ‘Who the fuck are you?’ and ‘Go fuck yourself’ when I barely gave a reason for that :slight_smile:

No one could really tell the difference - remember that people started to say it was nerfed? :slight_smile:

Now don’t say…

Now that I can agree with.

In conclusion TF2 isn’t as good as it was and if you say it’s better you only just started playing.


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