Pimp your...

Got my POE swag:

That is a big poster.

A Nikon D5100 with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 + a 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6 lens.

I also ordered an 40mm f/2.8 lens, but have yet to receive it.

And I also booked a weekend to Stockholm in April. Pimp’d.

Sweet camera dude. Brand new? :smiley: Is the 40mm a nikon? I thought they only made 35mm and 50mm prime lenses. Which are amazing btw, I have a 50. Won’t regret that, it takes amazing portraits :3

Should arrive tuesday :3

I kinda wish I had a camera. There’s tons of shit around here to take pictures of.

Yeah, and you could take them in black and white on facebook and everyone would think you are an artist and master photographer!

…At least it wasn’t another Breaking Bad joke.

Aye, brand new :x


Still didn’t get it though. Should probable contact the retailer. For some reason a lot of belgian retailers “forget” to contact you when the product arrives at their store.

Also, congratulations with the D300. You’ll like it :slight_smile:

Some sample pictars with the 18-55 kit lens:

nice pics man! My 18-55 is a bit battered now. Neither that or the 18-70 are VR lenses, the only active lens I have is a 55-200.

These are awesome indeed ! I’m still waiting for my film to come back from development; should be tomorrow ! Ahhh the joys of film photography :stuck_out_tongue:

I keep reading photography as pornography.

Got my TAKEDOWN swag. Fuck yea.

At first, I read that as “realistic sword-based tactical shooter”.

^sounds good tho

I would totally play a close-quarters gun-and-sword shooter.

Bought me one of these and it came in. The accuracy of replication is so good. It just reminds me of how now none of these new companies can make a d-pad right.

I played it. Wish it had better controls.

Better controls.


I got these: .

They seem pretty good so far, for €24.

Speaking of cheap-ass headphones, got these about a month ago for €30.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.