Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata has passed away

Now this, I can’t understand…

I don’t think it’s fully hit me yet. Nintendo was my childhood, and this is just devastating. That’s the only word I can use to describe this. Not to mention how unexpected it was. I knew he had health issues in the past, but damn.

Who will we have to stare at bananas now? :frowning:

Rest in peace. Only 55 too…

Yeah, heard about this earlier today. Truly saddening. I too have grown up with Nntendo and in a ways I am still with them.

I’m really going to miss seeing him in Nintendo’s streams.

It’s not every day that someone dies that I care about enough to cry over.
Especially people I’ve never met or known on a personal level. But this.
Goddamn, Iwata became president right around the time I actually started playing Nintendo games. When I started playing video games as a whole.
This hits harder than a sack of bricks being swung by multiple pro wrestlers.
Rest in peace, friend to us all.

He’s on his final trip now. :frowning:

I really like that new animation at the top of the forums. Nice touch. Definitely deserving of it.

I don’t think there’s anyone in the gaming community who hasn’t been affected by this

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