map this_is_not_a_easter_egg
Hmm lemonade… i wish i can ride on zombie.
I can’t take the mod serious anymore… since I saw THAT!
Walk outside
Play properly
Thank you ending
That’s it i think?
I have yet to finish it… I got to the point where they really gave you that cheap scare when you approach the door and the cliche fall through the floor. Looks pretty good so far, the color correction they have adds to the atmosphere, darkness is just another cheap way of making things scary though. BTW the mannequins were originally from the first Condemned, they were in the 2nd one for like what, 2 seconds. Anyways, these guys must of been some Monolith fans since I noticed alot of FEAR and Condemned inspiring stuff.
I didnt find any bugs in this mod…
I was too busy trying not to crap my pants…
Didn’t find it all that scary and the SWAT guys made no sense.
If you actually play the whole mod, they make sense
Oh right, I couldn’t remember which condemned it was exactly.
Definitely seeing the FEAR connection and getting bloody fed up with falling through things or other things falling through things. Still, enjoyable.
I did play the whole mod, honestly wasn’t a fan of the SWAT. To me they actually ruined the atmosphere and I didn’t understand what they were doing 90% of the time. Why would they wait there when you had to go through the vent? Also, every time they were around “action” music started to play over the “horror” music which again, completely ruined the horror aspect.
Fuck dammit I can’t play. I am too scared.
I actually take that as a plus. It broke up the gameplay. Walking around creepy corridors would have become monotonous by the time you reached the end of chapter 7 if it weren’t for the SWAT. They added some feeling to the game that wouldn’t have been present before.
Damn Steam with it’s fucking updates. Now I can’t get it to work. I’ve rebooted, deleted clientregistry.blob and still no good. Can I reinstall Steam without deleting all the game files? I wanna play this!
downloading now. expecting self-soilage…
Have you tried re-installing the mod?
Edit: Nevermind. I’m assuming steam is the thing not working.
Download UCL, that’s what I play all of my mods on so I don’t have to deal with Steam.
It was monotonous by the end of Chapter 3. By the 4th chapter, most of the horror could be predicted. Red skeleton flies across room, girl appears and mumbles, flashlight dies, repeat until SWAT arrives and makes game even less scary by adding distracting monologue and weak characterization.
Dammit, I got to part where I walk to door then fall through the floor. And I just die. I don’t get what I’m supposed to do. Help pls??
EDIT: figured it out, I only had one health and the fall did a tiny amount of damage so I just had to use god mode.
Wrong, first time i did is…
Walk outside a bit.
Black and white screen
“Don’t do that…”
Don’t want to get scared again.
turn back into elevator.
Thank you ending.
Just beat it earlier. Great. I’m gonna jump on the bandwagon with the SWAT was a good thing. The mad scientist’s dialogue was pretty sketchy though. Who wrote his script? Christ!