Welcome to Black Mesa’s Work in Progress Multiplayer thread! (Or BMSWiPMPT, if you prefer catchy names).
In this thread, we will endeavour to be a bit more open with you guys about the development of Black Mesa’s multiplayer component. Currently, in terms of multiplayer, the team’s focus is on Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, but there will be a lot more to come.
As we work towards the Steam release we hope to show you guys more and more of our hard work. This thread is where we will post screenshots, videos, ideas, and features, for you guys to discuss, comment on, and give feedback. We’re all extremely excited to finally start sharing some things with you guys. Feel free to ask questions and post your thoughts, we will try our best to engage with you and be honest and direct.
Here’s what this thread IS NOT. It is not a place to ask about Xen, singleplayer, Oculus Rift, or ANYTHING ELSE Black Mesa related. There are also NOT official media releases. This thread is strictly for multiplayer. Derailing or off topic posting will be punished. Stick to the topic at hand, and we’ll all have a lovely time. Also remember, this stuff is all work in progress. Don’t be a jerk.
To start off with, here are some screenshots of the current state of Gasworks and Stalkyard. Discuss, or ask general MP questions.