Multi core support for HL2

I recently started playing HL2 again after a long time gone and found it was using all the cores of my cpu. I then tried HL2 EP1, HL2 EP2, and Portal. They all have been upgraded to multicore support! Woot!!

Does anyone know when this happened? I can’t find anything but a few references to it in 2006-2008.

I think the option has been in the games for quite a while (I don’t know the exact point it was put in) but I’ve always heard it’s kind of buggy in most Source games. Not sure how true that is.

Yes, there was multicore support added years ago and it didn’t work well, and was disabled. I think it could be enabled in the console, but never tried it.

Now it is enabled and works! I see a max of 300 fps and the worst I saw was 170 fps. The only downside to it I know of is a lot of tearing. Enabling vsync should fix that.

I’m glad they added multicore support for Half-Life 2 as well now people with more than one core can put their hardware to use.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.