More Portal 2 Gameplay. And Motion Controllers?

Here’s What Valve showed off during The CES 2011 convention, and let me say, I have to say i’m a bit impressed.

One thing i’m alittle mixed about is the motiion controllers that they’re using on the PC. I’ve never been a true fan of motion controllers, but hey, maybe this gameplay can change my mind.

What’s your opinion? Are you a fan of the new controller? What are your expectations for the April release?

Discuss :freeman:

I’m more interested about the physgun function tbh

Yea, i like how the portal gun can now manipulate objects, like how the physgun in garrysmod, but how are they gonna pull that off for the 360, and ps3 kids? Are they going to have to use the motion controller?

That’s proobably why i’m gonna buy it for the pc.

Oh god… this is either very exciting or very troubling…

Motion control+physics manipulation used to this degree can make or break an already well-established Portal game mechanic. I really hope they know what they’re doing…

I really doubt that you will be FORCED to use the motion control. Even Nintendo gives you the option to plug in a regular controller for motion control games.

Shits gonna be gnarly if Valve makes it Kinect/PS Move ready, though

^By kinect/PS move ready, does that mean you NEED to use a motion controller?

Not required, but means the game is compatible with them.

micheal moore is so fat

Why would you even think that?

This is portal 2 not killzone 2.

I don’t get it…

Killzone 2 uses a normal ps3 controller. The only difference would probably be its sluggishness.

It will be exclusive for Razer user anyway.

I suppose he was referring to the couple of events that you need to use motion sensing for…such as turning valves, etc. It doesn’t make much sense though, considering that all PS3 controllers have Sixaxis motion sensing.

Some early third party (maybe even first, idk it was a while ago) models didn’t.

This feels like a ripoff of a ripoff of a ripoff…

Did you know you can use the wii remote or even a goddamn sixaxis to “motion control” any source game starting from HL2 on any computer and the only requirement is a bluetooth dongle.

I find it particularly troubling that that last laser+cube puzzle could’ve been solved by the PhysGun thing, OR Portals. They just needlessly used both. Using two features at the same time like this isn’t integrating any new ways to solve puzzles.

It also looks to be WAY too powerful, so much that the player will likely just not move and make the puzzles solve themselves. This kind of thing belongs in G-Mod, as a developer tool or something.

I thought Erik Wolpaw said they’d stick with the original Portal Gun functionality, ie, simple, elegant, just powerful enough to do what’s necessary to advance in the level but still fun. Now it’s like, ‘i am playing Portal 2, where i am the creator and destroyer of all matter and ze world!!1!’

I’m sure it still is, they just modified the code of the original physgun (hl2 beta) for the kinect thing to make $$

Simply to be nice to the Hydra guys, i suppose… letting them make some experimental bastardized bonus content… I still wouldn’t think it was the best thing for the game. It never occurred to me before, but i’m not surprised Valve would do this. But I guess they’ve already rationalized it, internally at least.

It’s like Still Alive for the 360, only potentially alienating more loyal Portal 2 fans.

so you’re only a loyal fan if you use a boring ass mouse and keyboard

No :retard: just that some people who are loyal fans will have to buy 100+ dollar equipment to experience it.

I know it’s basically an expansion pack, but it still drives wedges in what different players will be able to do.

You can debate anything you want, except the superiority of the keyboard+mouse combo. Nothing can beat WASD+MOUSE1 short of nanobots in your body detecting every slight movement signal your brain sends out.

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