MMOs are fun if you’re willing to farm.
And farm.
And farm some more.
Probably the only MMO I actually spent time on was Runescape when I was around 11-12. Played for a year or more before exhausting everything I could do as f2p and finally quit.
Played WoW a little bit recently but it definitely doesn’t live up to the hype, in my opinion. That game really is just farming until you’re bored. Every quest was constant ‘kill this many enemies’, ‘collect this many things’, ‘take this from Point A to Point B’. Give me something interesting to do!
I’ve played a few other MMOs but they’ve all proven the whole genre is almost entirely farming, with a few neat quests that you can only do after farming for about ten years. The only MMO that looks promising would be TOR, it looks very cinematic and gameplay looks nice. There may be some farming but from what I’ve seen it focuses on story.
In my opinion, farming should only be for those who want to max out everything, and it most certainly shouldn’t amount to every quest.
As for addiction, I’m not so much addicted to gaming as I am passionate. Okay maybe I’m a little addicted but at present, I don’t have much else to do until I can get a job.