Missing space

Hello Guys!

I tried to install black mesa without reading the guide and just downloaded the zip file. Extracted it and found the installer. Just clicked on it and put it to my D : directory instead of C:

After it wasnt working (ofc) I read the install guide and found out that I need Steam to run the game.

Deleted everything and started all over again, now with steam installed and then source sdk etc etc. Everything works fine.

But my problem is that after putting black mesa to D : some space just went missing on my C: - dont know what and dont know how to find out…

Any idea where my app. 4-5 GB space just went? Not like its a big deal but I’m that kinda person who is annoyed by things like this… Please help meh! :slight_smile:

Are you sure the space actually went missing and you aren’t miscalculating? Black Mesa’s nearly 10 GB.

I already deleted Black Mesa just to check and there is a missing 5 gb on my system ( c: ) partition, while I installed Black Mesa to D : anyway.

Are you accounting for the installer files, as well as the Source SDK 2007 base?

Seems like accidentaly (or not) the Windows 7 hibernating file was turned on after I installed Black Mesa. Don’t know how or why or if its even related to the game but just happened the same time.

So the case is solved, thanks for the replies!

No, I’m mistaken. It was really Black Mesa who did something but after several restarts it just gone. Now I again got my 5 gigs back. Dont even know what was it.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.