Missing Information on Greenlight

Yes, the Half-Life 2 Beta recreation mod spanning back to 2006 has gotten some new blood pumping as of late, highlighted by their appearance on Greenlight.

Personally really hoping it makes it through.

valve will never let them make money off of stolen code

I can probably name about a dozen Beta recreation mods off the top of[sub][/sub] my head. Really don’t care to see it on Steam, too, personally.

To quote the page, “To be clear, this is a FREE modification!” And don’t know that I’d say never, after all, here we are with a retail Black Mesa existing.

Yes, but when most of them look something like this, it’s not really fair to put MI in the same category. Their work on the Hyperborea chapter really speaks for itself compared to the leak and to others’ “recreations” being S.T.A.L.K.E.R. props everywhere while not fixing missing/incorrect content because it’s more "authentic."I mean, compare something like this from what was originally there to work with. As for personal reasons, well, no sense arguing there. Can agree to disagree.

Valve would never set a precedent where profit can be made from stolen code on valve’s own service

I feel like you either severely misunderstand the terms “free,” or “profit,” or are stupidly assuming all Greenlit titles must be sold, or that any of the beta code is being used.

I didn’t want to make the claim that there’s absolutely no beta code being used, as I don’t know. But, basically.

My point is exactly that. You/he/we don’t know. It could be all original programming.

Just a small update, Missing Information’s Greenlit!

And I’m free to disclose, I’m in fact working on it myself, primarily as a modeler.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.