I’d love to see a new mirrors edge.
Mirror’s Edge is the only game where speedruns are actually fun to watch and make me go ‘ohhhhh!’
Well it’s kind of built around speedruns, so… :rolleyes:
My first impression of the game, after the art style, was realizing that it’s essentially Speedrunning: The Game.
Mirror’s Edge was meh.
That’s not up to you. That’s not up to anyone.
There had better be a PS4/PC release. If it’s one of Microsoft’s vaunted “exclusives” I’m gonna be fucking pissed.
However, it is kinda funny that it’s coming to the Xbox One, considering the game’s backstory deals with intrusive security measures implemented on a city-wide scale and an implied police state government, where politicians organize hits on one another and basically get away with it.
All these fancy “exclusives” are gonna run on PC eventually, we are aware that the Xbox one is running the x86 platform, so we won’t even have to jump over the hurdle of emulation.
It doesn’t seem to be that simple tho. Point me to a fully working Xbox emulator that supports as many games as the PS2 emulator.
On the OG xbox you would need to write a modded exe(like a crack) for each game, and for proper gameplay you would likely need a coppermine CPU with a Geforce FX series GPU lying around…
Also I heard that the XBOX Pentium III was modded so it was RISC not X86.
Even so, there’s more to these new consoles than just X86. These are not literally PCs running custom software, there’s plenty of modifications in them. The PS4’s GPU has received a ton of custom tweaks in order for developers to extract a lot from it. Not to mention it runs entirely on super fast GDDR5, when most PC’s are still running DDR3.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. In this day and age the benefit of having a larger audience far exceeds what is financially viable for MS/Sony to pay for the exclusives. That’s why you see the Xbox 360 get so many timed exclusives and early DLCs. If it were to be an Xbox One exclusive it would be at most 6 months. Also it will probably be on the new frostbite which will run on both plats so its not like it’ll be that hard to port. In terms of it getting a PC release, I bet it does. EA probably wants all the titles it can get to bring people to Origin. Just expect to have to deal with that shit.
‘Possibly’ confirmed? wtf is this
Other than that, gotta be way more than the first game was to get my interest.
You know I find these Amazon leaks to be surprisingly consistently correct. Gotta suck for PR guys, unless PR guys do it on purpose, I could see that. Also man, the first game wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t as fucking amazing as people make it out to be.
The first game had a terrific concept and it followed through on that idea fairly well. There was a distinct point during the middle when the story becomes kind of useless and the gun mechanics could have used some serious work (I’m really not sure if this was intentional since they highly advised trying to play weaponless, or if their recommendation was because the gunplay was shit).
All in all, though, it was stylistically unique and had an interesting color palette. The meat of the gameplay, the parkour, was very well done and damned intuitive (this continued though the entire game; when the story failed, the gameplay delivered for the most part). And, while I mentioned above the second half kind of drags on storywise, the first half was an interesting tale of a dystopian future with intrusive surveillance.
I’m looking forward to this game. Here’s hoping they can reliably step away from BF and not (un)intentionally inject the game with its essence.
I thought the gunplay was functional. Plus, you could do Faith’s slide manuver while filling a guy in front of you full of holes with your equipped weapon. Wish we could wallrun shoot too, but that wasn’t in.
If this isn’t true, I might have to march down to EA’s office and slap someone. I fucking loved the first Mirror’s Edge.