NerdRage, you’ve gotten what I think is wrong with the ending completely wrong.
[COLOR=‘Red’]— Warning: Ending Spoilers —
I understand the idea of a futility ending, but the game doesn’t end on that kind of note. By giving 3 distinct choices at the end based on on the spot decision making instead of decisions made earlier in the game, the developers seem to be implying that decisions matter and what you do there will effect the entire galaxy for centures if not millenia. However, it ends up the endings are all exactly the same with only explosion color being different, defeating the point of even having a decision while still implying that there should have been purpose.
Second, a complete lack of closure. I have no problem with Shepard dying, it made sense and had impact, but what happened to everyone else in the galaxy and all my squad mates? I only get to see at best 2 squad mates during that weak crash-landing scene, I have no idea how curing the Genophage effects the Krogan, the future of Rannoch with allied Geth is a total mystery, and the game never tells me what happens to Tali now that Shepard had to die. They made a huge deal with Tali about Shepard dying in combat, and then when he does nothing comes of it.
Finally, the ending was FULL of plot holes. If the catalyst is willing to change the plan, why must Shepard kill himself to do it? Can’t Shepard just tell the Catalyst to pull the Reapers out or destroy them? If the point of the reaper genocide is to prevent the creation of synthetics that will overpower organics, why are the reapers almost entirely synthetic? Why does the catalyst leave crazy advanced technology around that accelerates the creation of synthetic life? What is Joker doing in a relay jump, shouldn’t he be helping the Alliance fight? Why is the catalyst that stupid kid again?
Other irks include that montage including Kaiden and Liara for no reason, but not Garrus or Tali who I actually had a connection to, the fact that war assets affect parts of the ending that war assets logically wouldn’t affect, and that after credits scene that seems to say “LOL the whole thing was just a story, here’s a cliffhanger so we can milk the series for more games”. It doesn’t help that [COLOR=‘Red’][COLOR=‘black’]Mordon and Thane’s deaths[COLOR=‘red’] were some of the most emotional moments I’ve ever witnessed in a video game, and then the ending feels weak and lacking in plot.
[COLOR=‘Red’]— End of Ending Spoilers —
Also, if you haven’t yet seen [COLOR=‘red’][COLOR=‘Black’]the Renegade option for Mordin’s death[COLOR=‘red’] I suggest looking it up. It’s probably one of the most difficult things I’ve ever watched and I don’t think I could have brought myself to do it.