Also Ironically enough does changing or altering the ending seem like a paragon/renegade choice for casey Hudson? Although I can’t see much harm in adding or altering it as opposed not altering could anger fans and call Casey’s loyalty into question to his brain child we know as mass effect? Thoughts…
I think it would be pretty stupid not to add new endings as DLC, especially after the outcry.
I don’t think they’re planning on new ending DLC, but they teased DLC that takes place after the final mission, though.
Bethesda wasn’t planning on changing the ending of Fallout 3 either, but the outcry led to Broken Steel, which was awesome.
Seeing all this fuzz about the ending of ME3 (thankfully managing to not spoil anything), I feel like I should really get on with ME2 to see what this is all about.
At the same time, however, I feel like I don’t want to, because of the probable disappointment everyone is on about.
I hate when that happens.
Why the hell would you pay money to make up for a shortcoming that shouldn’t have even been in the original game. If they do release said DLC, it should either be free or pirated. Or both in my case.
No. Go play ME2. Right now.
I liked the ME3 ending, actually. No, it didn’t sum everything up, but I don’t believe it was supposed to. It was supposed to make you think. I’m on board with the indoctrination theory that’s been floating around for a while.
And I don’t see why everyone is in an uproar over possible DLC. If that’s how they want to end it, then so be it. If money were an object, then you wouldn’t have spent $60+ on the game, now would you? And if you pirated it, what does it matter anyway?
It doesn’t matter what Bioware said they were going to do. Thing’s change, and this change was for the better, in my opinion.
What? People who pay for video games consider, money an object, they just consider the enjoyment from video games an object too, and trade them. In this case, they expected that object to include a decent ending. They neither expected the worthless endings we got, nor to be charged more money for a better ending. Its an unacceptable situation either way.
Also, the problem with the ending was that it provided no real closure while introducing a lot more questions, which defeats the purpose of an ending.
It’s not an ending, then.
It’s something to make the game memorable. Chances are that Bioware will release the ending free for those that bought the game new.
I’m pretty sure that was the point. Bioware has already teased ME3 DLC that takes place after the final mission, so it’s just a cliffhanger.
EA doesn’t know the meaning of free.
Its true.
Makes me appreciate Bethesda a little what with the creation kit and all.
I’m glad that TES most likely outselled anything EA/bioware makes. I liked to rub that in thier faces.
Sounds like DLC.
I agree, the final season of LOST was very disappointing.
So I finally completed ME2 and got around the third one, but I got the annoying face import bug thing and it’s incredibly frustrating having Sheppard all wonky-like, so it’s gonna be even longer 'til I actually get to play it. :fffuuu:
take some time and remake the face?
That’s harder than it sounds.
Are you fags playing the PC version of what was engineered as an xbox game? My dude ported flawlessly, face, level, choices, charisma.