Making Aliens more badass

The aliens should be a little more fast and have only a 2 second delay time when getting ready to attack again.

Here are some suggestions for making the aliens more badass:
The bullsquid in Sven Co-op was damn fast. It spits at you and then it starts running at you while spitting and, when it reaches you it does a melee attack (tail attack and mouth push).

The Garg in Sven Co-op would pick you up and eat you the moment you crouched under it.

The Alien Controller in Sven Co-op had a orange ball attack guiding system, where that orange ball would follow you a bit and give up if it didn’t hit you in 5 seconds.

The headcrab would turn around more quicker to face you if it missed you (2 seconds for it to do this).

yeah sounds good.

hang on, more quicker? WTF?

NO. they’ll be remaking half-life EXACTLY as it is. no enemies will be getting anymore attacks, and I’m sure the dev team will make enemies look as badass as possible.

^ this

These aren’t extra attacks though, they’re just improvements on the original ones. It would make the game more challenge. Plus they’re not remaking Half-Life exactly as it was, there are clearly some improvements and changes.
While I’m here, maybe the headcrabs could actually attach to the heads of their victims when they kill them instead of killing them and them leaving them.

We don’t know how fast the ennemies are in BM, just wait and see.

Funny, I remember that being in the original.

You know, except for all those minor changes they’ve already said were made.

Nope, the balls were easily dodgeable in vanilla HL.

But they had a secondary, larger homing ball.

Adding new attacks will definitely make the aliens more challenging. I found most of the alien enemies in HL1 way too easy to kill (medium difficulty setting) and imo really weak and inferior. However the human enemies were a bit more of a challenge, since they could throw grenades and dodge your attacks (this sentence is for any fucktard who then suggests i play HL1 on harder difficulty setting).

So it was a bit unbalanced. Alien enemies= too easy to kill AND Human enemies= harder to kill.

play the mod on hard mode.

That just sounds incredibly annoying.

Our Buillsquids puke rapidly and chase you like a bat out of hell.
Our Vorts will zap you and run up to your face in less than a second.
Our Controllers move randomly around and shoot flaming balls of poo at you.
Our Alien Grunts are brutes who take a load of damage and whack the living shit out of you.
Our Ichthyosaur rapes your health make sure you struggle for air.

Not to mention a few of our AI have hidden features we have yet to disclose.

Like sex.


Thanks for the info and for making sure i knew how the dev were going to solve that problem

:what: WHAT HAVE U SAID!!!

(Ram reads statement and decides to add this as an easter egg hidden some where!!!) :pirate:


:hmph: It was there in the original, as already stated by Dias.

Isn’t every attack that homes in on you annoying?

The way he worded it, it sounded like they were meant to follow you everywhere, rather than just curve toward you.

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