Lens Flare !

old post:https://forums.blackmesasource.com/showthread.php?t=17819



How do you see enemies past the mega LEDs? I mean that’s not a bad effort, but that’s beyond distracting, dare I say unplayable.

exceeding people

Some people can, some people can’t. If you can’t, doooon’t get it.

I like the idea somewhat, but I’d prefer it to be toned down by at least half if it were ever to be implemented (if ever).

In my opinion it should be somewhat subtle, not so in your face, otherwise it gets distracting. The sprites themselves don’t look bad, but it’s so overpowering and throws off the atmosphere.

I actually like lens flares, to be honest, as long as they’re not so over the top that it obscures the necessary information, like in Star Trek (2009).

I think the lens flare looks cool (from those screenshots you posted), but they are a little too bright in my opinion. Could you tone it down a bit?

In a competitive game it could be a distracting things.But in a single player game ,it look cool for me. Let enjoy the effect in single player game. Give it a try:freeman:

I will work on it:retard:

Reducing it by 2/3 might produce an acceptable intensity.

reducing it by 3/4 might make it acceptable to the eyes

Reducing it by 4/5 might convince me to install it.

That would be cool if it sorted in front of your first person weapon. I mean in front relative to the camera, meaning the lens flare was in between the fp arms and the HUD.

basically the effect needs to be reduced by about 7 and it will be perfect

Yeah, I think reduction is the key here.

Not only is it incredibly distracting and hard to see past, but the repetition is way too obvious, from regular lights to vending machines, not to mention the mod seems to break in general (missing textures).

Ah, it’s the JJ Abrams mod!

I have not posted here in so long.

I love lens flare so I’m gonna try this out.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.