Last Film You Saw

Like, you record a flower growing for several weeks, but instead of speeding it up, you just watch it at normal speed.

That’s how slow 2001 is.



Hahaha “time lapse in real time”. Hilarious.

I said “you could play a time-lapse in real time…” That is to say, if you take a time-lapse and slow it down to normal speed, it would be boring and no longer a time-lapse; I never said it had to be one. I simply meant it to serve as an example of something long and slow.

I was just coming up with an analogy to try to be witty. :frowning:

You can’t be witty and make unintentionally oxymoronic statements at the same time.

A time lapse slowed down to normal speed is just a regular video recording.

It was super effective, mate.

Speaking of Resident Evil movies, the last one I saw was Damnation, which was good, but I’m gonna punch someone in the face the next time someone uses the word ‘graphics’ to describe the quality of visuals in a CG movie. I digress. I have seen Afterlife as well. I enjoyed the previous movies, to the extent that I bought them all, however I really wasn’t feeling it. Sure, it had its moments, but I really think they’ve stretched this concept way too thin. Anderson should move on, or devise a better plot structure, because it was thin to begin with, but now it’s getting ridiculous.

You obviously haven’t seen Tarkovskys Stalker.

I did!

Stalker was an awesome movie too. As was Solaris, but yeah both of them are pretty slow, and not much happens.

The Dark Crystal. HmmMMMMMMmmmm!

Never seen it before but since a lot of people I know seemed to like it I decided to give it a shot. What I took away from the movie was that puppets are great for a lot of things - but not everything. Anyhow I liked it, was quite interesting in an experimental sort of way.

I wish I knew what happened to my Dark Crystal/Labyrinth DVD box set. I love those movies.


I was watching Kick-Ass last night (on commercial TV…). It set itself up early on as what would happen if real people were to try to be super heroes. They pretty much followed through with this concept up until the finale, when they introduced a jet pack… yeah… You lost me movie. You lost me in a bad way. I finished watching, and was still entertained, but really? A jet pack? Fuck you.

In general, I thought that Kick-Ass was a terrible movie. Other people might have different opinions but I found none of the characters engaging.

Oh, I wouldn’t say it was a good movie. I was just saying I was believing it until the ending. I don’t think I would recommend it to too many people.

I loved Kick-Ass. It was an entertaining movie, and what more can I expect from something that is meant to entertain?

I mean, it’s not like it’s Twilight or Hunger Games, which are also forms of entertainment, but are more painful to watch than seeing someone’s toenails get ripped out.

I thought that the Hunger Games was a pretty good movie.

I mean, I was expecting that I was going to hate it, but it exceeded my expectations, at the very least.

I didn’t care for the Hunger Games movie, but it was still better than Kick-Ass for me.

Also, watched Mickey’ Christmas Carol today.

Don’t judge me.

You’re the target demo

I’m judging you!

…judging you as having good taste. One of the better renditions of the story, to be honest. Yeah, it has a lot of comedy and yeah it’s very short and left a LOT out but it still was awesome. :slight_smile:

I saw Skyfall today. I quite enjoyed it. It was certainly easier to follow than Quantum of Solace, which was my main concern going into it.

Q’s line about exploding pens made me sad, though.
[color=’#151515’]At least until the Aston Martin showed up.

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