LADDERS are evil!

This game has the most deadly, confusing, hard-to-use ladders of any game I’ve played. Now, I’ve played enough games to understand that ladders must be hard to do right, because they are consistently bad in games.

I’ve been killed by ladders in games way more times than I care to remember.


I don’t understand why this belongs to bugs & in-game issues.
Thats the way ladders are in SourceEngine you can’t do anything about it.

Some were a little quirky in how they’ve been setup and could be a pain to get on/off from, I managed to fix those that I found to be of that nature.

I’ve heard this from a few people but I’ve never had any problems with them in any game.

In Surface Tension there are two ladders which don’t ‘work’ but otherwise I never had any problem with them.

Same. The dismount points always seem fine to me. I suppose if people are trying to get off of them by pressing jump then that could cause some minor issues, but with ‘use’ it’s always bee fine for me.

What grinds my gears about sources ladders is this:

press forward when looking up=walk up ladder
press forward when looking down=walk down ladder

imo, they should have used counter strike ladders where you can even go left to right on the ladder, those were awesome

I’ve found an easy way to deal with ladders in Source games. Go to the ladder, either the top or bottom, and press the “use” key. You’ll ‘snap’ onto the ladder. It has saved me from falling to my death many a time.

Learn using a ladder by doing the Hazard Course training.

You’re hilarious.


This is a valid complaint and whoever built the first level where ladders show up, should add HUD notification: “Press USE key to mount the ladder when you are close and facing it”
and then: “Press USE key again to dismount the latter when you are at the top or bottom”

Yea, like the ladders in the “Blast Pit” for example!

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.