Hello, this is a survey for an RTS game which is a project for an A2 piece of course work, please leave your answers as a reply, Thanks.
1.) What genre of game do you like to play the most eg. RTS, FPS, RPG etc?
2.) What kind of music would you like to hear in a Real Time Strategy game?
3.) What is your favourite RTS game?
4.) Would you prefer to play against a computer or another person online?
5.) If you played an RTS game against a computer, would you like different levels of difficulty to place handicaps on you, the computer, or both?
6.) What would you prefer to see in an RTS game - a levelling up system where you have access to most/all unit types at the start with different strengths or weakness; or a tech tree system where you start off with weak units of the same ability and slowly get stronger ones after meeting certain conditions?
7.) In MMO (massive multiplayer online) games, would you like to have a personalised account or be able to go straight into a game with little hassle under a random name?
8.) Do you like games that you can play online, or downloadable content?
9.) What ideas of a storyline/lore do you have for an RTS game? (Be as creative as you want)
10.) Any other comments or ideas for an RTS game or what would make a good RTS game can be left here.