Java RTS game survey

Hello, this is a survey for an RTS game which is a project for an A2 piece of course work, please leave your answers as a reply, Thanks.

1.) What genre of game do you like to play the most eg. RTS, FPS, RPG etc?

2.) What kind of music would you like to hear in a Real Time Strategy game?

3.) What is your favourite RTS game?

4.) Would you prefer to play against a computer or another person online?

5.) If you played an RTS game against a computer, would you like different levels of difficulty to place handicaps on you, the computer, or both?

6.) What would you prefer to see in an RTS game - a levelling up system where you have access to most/all unit types at the start with different strengths or weakness; or a tech tree system where you start off with weak units of the same ability and slowly get stronger ones after meeting certain conditions?

7.) In MMO (massive multiplayer online) games, would you like to have a personalised account or be able to go straight into a game with little hassle under a random name?

8.) Do you like games that you can play online, or downloadable content?

9.) What ideas of a storyline/lore do you have for an RTS game? (Be as creative as you want)

10.) Any other comments or ideas for an RTS game or what would make a good RTS game can be left here.

1.) FPS
2.) whatever fits the game
3.) Faces Of War
4.) Against an other person online, but preferable coop
5.) Yes, both
6.) A tech tree system
7.) A presonalised account
8.) Love online, hate dlc
9.) Half-Life 2 RTS would be epic!
10.) You should have the ability to control each unit, like 3rd person

Dungeon Keeper mate, except it’s 1st person.

1.) RTS
2.) Something around Starcraft’s 2 terran theme :freeman:
3.) Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance.
4.) A player
5.) Yes, both
6.) Tech tree
7.) Personalized account
8.) I don’t fully understand, but both I guess :stuck_out_tongue:
9.) Erm, Mechs :smiley:
10.) Anything thats like between Supreme Commander and Dungeon Keeper :jizz:

  1. Any of them
  2. Whatever suits the game

In fact I will simply say whatever suits the game for all these questions. And then finally please don’t focus test an idea for a game! Be creative and make whatever you want to.

Actually, I was going for Faces of War/Men of War.

  1. I like FPS and RTS equally
  2. Music created specifically for the game (Red Alert 3 is best example)
  3. Starcraft Broodwar
  4. Computer
  5. Of course
  6. Tech tree
  7. Anonymous
  8. I like online games, but not DLC
  9. I got nothing, but a Half-Life universe RTS would be epic
  10. Gameplay and music comes first. Flashy graphics and storyline are just extras.

I’m going to answer this in a single sentence.

New Elder Scrolls game using idTech 5 with co-op gameplay.

1.) like a farm game where u have a farm an take care of yer animals
2.) realistic cow milking physics
3.) hay bale tractor and equipment
4.) compete with other farmers for prices or cooperate for price gouging … shoot coyotes and hippies stealing my crops. the no tresspassing sign aint no joke, this heres my property and im well within my constitutional right to shoot yall in the head if yer on my property, damn communists
5.) i dont get the question but its pretty hard to fix the tires on my old chevy so its propped up in my yard on bricks, getting kind of rusty. my neighbor says its an eyesore so I strung his cat up on a cross in his front yard and set it on fire.
6.)i prefer the tree system especially apple trees so I can make canned sauce and cider
7.) i only use anonymous names so the government cant track what im doing on the internets
8.) again you got to be more specific boy, i dont know what this is. raccoons tend to chew thru some of my power cables and get pretty damn well cooked, so i put them in a tasty stew. its good for feedin the hogs and my wives .
9.) i think i already answered this question boy, it was a farming game with farming. i think theres a facebook app. make better questions or go to hell.
10.)shit how many times are you going to ask this fucking question son, make a better survey or get the hell off my internet. see you soon, better watch your back.

1.) FPS

2.) Calm music, maybe slightly quick-paced to help set the mood for thinking.

3.) Don’t think I have any, but I do enjoy a good RTS

4.) A computer to start out, but once I know how to play, playing against other people would be more enjoyable later.

5.) Handicaps on both. The easier it is, the more handicaps on the computer, the harder it is, the more handicaps on you.

6.) Tech tree.

7.) Personalised account

8.) Games online.

9.) Half-life themed?

10.) Wide areas to play in-game, and landscapes which can make you think strategically.

1) I’ve always preferred real time strategy games, but first person shooters are a lot of fun too.

2) Music that fits the mood, preferably up-tempo when there is imminent danger or fighting going on, but doesn’t distract too much when you are developing your strategy.

3) Command & Conquer: Red Alert, the entire series.

4) Depends. Playing against friends is loads of fun, especially over a lan. It can be very interesting to play against an AI as well, as long as the AI has interesting and varying strategies but meanwhile gets the same limitations as human players (fog of war, not being able to do 2 things at the same time, etc).

Ideally, you’d have the option to play co-operatively with a number of friends against a number of AI players.

5) Yes and no. It would be nice to able to control how smart an AI is, how much strategies it knows and if it plays offensively or defensively. Using handicapping to create a difficulty level isn’t something that suits a strategy game I think.

6) Technology tree.

7) Personalised account. I prefer playing online with friends rather than strangers.

8) I prefer paying a one-time price for buying a game rather than a monthly price to participate in it. Downloadable content can be good, but it has to be good value for money.

9) Storyline can be anything really, as long as it’s not cliché.

10) One thing that I think would make an RTS game stand out amidst all the others on the market, is a unique and beautiful setting that contributes to the strategy. Take “Submarine Titans” for example, a game from a few years back. It was set far into the future, where there was an underwater war going on between humans and aliens. The nice thing was that, because it was underwater, it didn’t only have unique, beautiful environments and plantlife, but units could occupy different depth levels, which opened up a lot of possibilities strategy-wise.

Thanks guys!
Just to let you know i put this up here for a friend, please don’t rage at the wrong guy. :’(

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